No. 431.
l\fount i\feigs Ala. Aug. 9- 1836.
Genl. }L B. LAMAR DEAR Sm,
I take the liberty to address you this as a letter of enquiry. with regard to the fate of my son, William Gilbert, who left this place for Texas in company with Captain Wm Wadsworth of Columbus Georgia l\f y means of intelligen.ce, here are very limited, and I have adopted this as the surest mode of ascertaining his fate- If he has fallen a victim to the blood-thirsty enemies of Texan Independence, it will be some consolation to my declining years to know, that he died, as. all true Americans should, gallantly fighting for Liberty and the rights of an oppressed people Any information which you may be pleased to communicate with regard to his fate, will tend to allay the anxiety of his anxious parents, and ever be held in grateful remembrance by Sir, Your obedient Servant . JOSI.AH GILBERT [Addressed:] 1\faj. Genl. M. B. Lamar. Head Quarters of the Army of Texas- [Endorsed :] Josiah Gilbert Fort Meigs Alabama Augt. 1836
Genl i\{ B LAl\fAR DEan Srn
wee have ascertained that there "is now in prison at 1.-Iatamorass in Mexico a young gentleman named Samuel .McKneely from this Parish Mr :McKnelly is one of those gallant spirits who left their Homes and relatives to risk their all in the glorious cause of Texan Liberty- he was unfortuneately taken prisoner some time in February last and still remains in the power of the Mexicans.- if any thing should occur that will enable you to be of service to him wee earnestly hope that you will not forget Him-his relations here is rich and if money can effect any thing they will make any ammount payable at any House in N orleans to yours or any ones order Who may be responsible for Him.- it is impossible for us to lmow what may or can be done but General if any thing can be done. I feel certain that you will do it with pleasure,- i\fr McKneely is related to the first Familys in our Parish and is Himself Highly respected as an upright Honorable brave young man ; Wishing you all success in your present Great and glorious cause I am Dear Sir your obedient Serd Jackson Louisiana August 9th 1836 r Addressed:] General 1'lirebeau. B. Lnmar Texas [Endorsed:] Samuel F i\Inrks
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