The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



army, excited by the captivity of that eminent friend of his country, Don Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna." The whole army to wear on the colors and standards a black crape during the captivity of Santa Anna, and the national flag to be hoisted half mast during the same. A despatch of Filasola dated April 25th, states that, after the de- feat at :::ian Jacinto, he had united all the divisions of the army, in- cluding the troops ·under General Gacona and Urrca, and was about to establish himself on the Colorado to wait for reinforcements and orders. A letter from Filasola, dated April 28th, in answer to the despatch from Santa Anna, says, in consideration solely of his personal respect for him and to ensure kind treatment to him, he should cease hostili- ties and re-cross the Colorado, having with him Gen'l Gacona, Urrea and Ramirez Y Sesma. He speaks in this letter of having directed General Don Adrian Wall to inform himself of the nature of the armistice concluded with Gen. Houston. · Another letter from Santa Anna to Filasola, dated April 25th, is in these words, and shows how humbled and supplicant had become the once arrogant tone of the proud and blood thirsty tyrant: La.fer and Impo1·tant.- By the Charleston steampacket we have our :files from that city to Saturday afternoon, and information from New Orleans to June 25th. By the following in the Southern Patriot of July 9th, from a New Orleans paper of the 25th ult. we perceive an allusion made to an important ·document from the Texas government, which has not yet reached us. NEW ORLEANS June 25. The communication from l\fr. B. Lamar, Secretary of War of the Republic of Texas to the President and cabinet, on the subject of the disposition of their prisoner, Santa Anna, is an able document and recommends itself to the perusal of every individual. The Republic of Texas has every security for the attainment of her highest aims, as long as such men are found in her cabinet. It is to be hoped that the authorities of that Hepuhlic will roincide with the Secretary of War, in the course suggested by him, to be adopted towards Santa Anna, the murderer of the unhappy victims enumerated below. That course is to have him tried as a felon, it being as the Secretary with great cor- rectness ob!'erves, a comse required by strict justice, sustained by reason, and which will receive the sanction of the present generation, as well as the approving voice of posterity. A letter from :Matamoros dated June 5th, says the city is filling daily by the returning remnant of the Mexican Army of Operations. Gen. Don Ramerez Y Sesma, has passed through on his way to :Mexico. Gen. Urrea is with a force of 300 men at the Brazos cle Santiago to gunrd that point, as it is apprehended that the Texians meditate an attack on this port. NEW ORLEANS, June 28. lt is rumored thnt the :\l'cxican schr. Amatia, Captain Vanstovoreen, which cleared for Yera Cruz with hrandy and clry goorls on Satur~lny week was chased on the 24th inst bY a Texian schr. cnlliecl the Umon, supp~sed to be a prirnteer. The .Almatia succeeded in reaching the

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