and like n Turk, took opium to drown his sorrows. As soon as the effects of the drug were over, we hurried him over the side of the yessel into the long boat- and as he went, the tears trickled down his pmsillanimous cheeks, and · "His coward lips did from tl1cir color fly, . And that same eye whose bend doth awe all l\Iexico, Did lose its lustre." His friend, Almonte, is a dark, thick set man, speaks English per- fectly well, has travelled through the United States, is very talented, affable, and extremely winning in his manners. I consider him a greater villain than Santa-Anna, because, like a serpent, he only em- braces to sting-whereas you can read deceit and indifference in Santa-Anna's countenance, and you know to expect." No. 39-1. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN TO LAMAR
Velasco .Monday 27 June /36
DR Srn,
After rolling at anchor nearly all day I have just landed- my head still has the sea-sick-motion, so I can say but a few words in reply to your request, in your note to the President, to give you the news from the U. S. There is a general and pritty universal and ardent interest all over the U. S. in favor of Texas- This feeling pervades both houses of Congress and the Cabinet, I believe that nothing was wanting to procure a recognition of our independence, but official Manuscript acco11-11is of the battle of San Jacinto, and the actual state of things in Texas- Some proof of our capacity to sustain ourselves &c. Nothing of the kind was recd.-· Nothing but newspaper accounts had reached there when I left- Grayson & Collingsworth took accounts to N. Orleans that no more Yoluuteers were needed, this will do great harm & must be immediately counteracted if we expect any more aid from there. The reports about treating with Santa Anna &c have injured the cause of Texas beyond any thing you can conceive off- Our course now appears to be a plain one- the country must rally en 11ws.~e & meet the enemy. It seems that thefr creed is extermina- tion- if so, ought 11:e to have faith in such an enemy or to extend mercy or favors?- A 'great error (as I think) has been committed in not communicht- in~ with the agents of Texas in Washington city I recommend that a report or an account in an official form, be sent to them by every op- portunit~• of e,·er.v important e\'ent that transpires. 80 men ou~ht to be at Gal\'eston tomorrow in the Schooner San Jacinto from ·orlean~- the men are from Cincinnatti commanded by Capt. Allen n fine fellow- 300 more are on the way from Lexington & LouisYille- 1000 more would ha\'e been on- hut the report that "thr wnr i,- cnrlcrl ' ' will stop them Jn Go1l;: namr no more armi>'tire,- or treatie,: with prisoners- In tlw ~lii'!:i5,:ippi l saw a ,-es,:ell direct from :\latnmoros which con- firms the new:; rrccl. here as to the advance of the .Mexicans, 10,000 to
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