Index - PTR, Vol. 10

lJnitC'cl Statt•s Conµress. J\1exico and 'fexus . . . 24th Congress. 2nd Session. House Executive Document 105. Wash., 1837. United States Congress. Protection of Western Frontier ... 24th Congress. 2nd Session. House Document 249. \Vash., 1836. United States Congress. Nlessnge from the President . . . 24th Congress, 2nd Session. Senate Document I. Wash., 1836. United States Congress. i\1es.rnge . .. Relative to the ..Political. Miliwry. and Civil Condition of Texas." 24th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Document 20. Wash.• 1836. United States Congress. Nlexico-Texas-Canada ... 25th Congress, 2nd Session. House Executive Document 74. Wash., 1838. United States Congress. Gorostiza Pamphlet: 1\1essage from the President ... 25th Congress, 2nd Session, House Executive Document 190. Wash., 1838. United States Congress. United States and J'vlexico . .. 25th Congress. 2nd Session. House Executive Document 351. Wash.• 1838. Winfrey, Dorman H.• and James M. Day [eels.]. lnclian Papers of Texas and the Southwest. 1825-1916. 5 vols. Austin, 1966. Winkler, E. W. [ed.]. Secret Journals of the Senate: Republic of Texas. 1836-1845. [Austin], 1911. 2. General Almonte. Juan N. Noticia Esrndistica sobre Tejas. Mexico, 1835. Andrade, Juan Jose de. Documentos Que el General Andrade Publica sobre la Evacuacion de la Ciudad de San Antonio de Bejar. del De- partamento de Tejas. a Sus Compatriotas. Monterey, 1836. Austin. Stephen F. An Address Delivered by S. F. Austin of Texas. to a Very Large Audience of Ladies and Gentlemen in the Second Presby- terian Church. Louisville. Kentucky. on the ·7th of 1\tlarch. 1836. Lexington, 1836. Baker. D. W .C. A Texas Scrap-Book. Made Up of the History. Biography. and J\tliscelluny of Texas and Its People. New Orleans. 1875. Barker. Eugene C. [ed.]. The Austin Papers. Vol. III. Austin. [ 1927]. Barker. Eugene C. Life of Stephen F. Austin. Austin. 1949. Barker. Eugene C. Mexico and Texas. 1821-1835. Dallas. 1928. Barker, Eugene C. Readings in Texas History. Dallas, 1929. Barker, Eugene C. Speeches. Responses. and Essays: Critical and Histor- ical. Austin, 1954. Brown, John Henry. History of Texas. from 1685 to 1892. 2 vols. St. Louis, [ 1892-1893 I. Brown. John Henry. Life and Times of Henry Smith, the First American Governor of Texas. Dallas, 1895. [Bryan, William. ct al]. A Vindication of the Conduct of the Agency of Texas. in New Orleans. New Orleans, l 836.


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