Index - PTR, Vol. 10

B. Printed Sources

l. Public Arrillaga. Basilio J. [con~p.]. Recopilacion de Leyes . .. de la Republica Mexic11n11. Mexico. 1838. Bassett. John S. led.]. Correspondence of Andrew Jackson. 7 vols. Wash.. 1926-1935. Binkley. William C. led.]. Offici11l Correspondence of the Texas Revolution. 1835-1836. 2 vols. New York. 1936. Dublan. Manuel. and J.M. Lozano !comps.]. Legislacion l\tlexicana. 5 vols. Mexico. 18,6. Gammell. H.P. N. lcomp.). The laws of Texas, 1822-1897. 10 vols. Aus- tin. 1898. Garrison. George P. (ed.). Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas. 3 vols. Vol. I published as Vol. II of the Report of the Ameri- can Historical Association for the Year 1907. Wash.. 1907. Vols. II and II I published as Vol. 11 of the Report ofthe American Historical Association for the Year 1908. in two parts. Wash.• 1908-1911. Journal of the Proceedings of the General Council of the Republic of Texas. Held at San Felipe de Austin. Houston, 1839. Journals of the Consultation Held at San Felipe de Austin, October 16. 1835. Houston. 1838. Journals of the Convention of the Free. Sovereign and Independent Peo- ple of Texas. in General Convention Assembled. I Columbia. 1836'? ]. Manning, William R. [ed.]. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States: Inter-American Affairs. 1831-1860. Vol. VIII-Mexico. Wash.. 1937. Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation. Provisional Government of Texas and the Convention. which Assembled at Washington J\1arch I. 1836. Houston. 1838. Proceedings of the Consultation of the Chosen Delegates of All Texas. in General Convention Assembled. San Felipe de Austin. 1835. Santos. Richard G. led.]. Santa Anna's Campaign Against Texas. 1835- 1836. Waco. 1968. United States Congress. Correspondence with the Government of Mex- ico ... 24th Congress. 1st Session. House Executive Document 256. Wash.. 1836. United States Congress. Proceedings of a !Weeting of the Citizens of Nash- ville, Tenn.. In Favor of Recognising the Independence of Texas. 24th Congress. 1st Session. House Document 418. Wash.. 1836. United States Congress. In the Senate . .. 1\llr. Clay Made the Following Report .. . 24th Congress. 1st Session, Senate Report 406. Wash., un<,.


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