[References are to item numbers. Longer entries arc divided into three sections: Leners from ILFI: Leners to ILTI: and Mentioned IMI. A few very large subjects, such as Sun Antonio and San Felipe. have been omilled because or the impracticability or indexing them. The lust Few items of vol. 9. being lengthy. have been indexed by hoth item and page number. such as: Cedar Lake: •B66 Ip. •H9, 4-;'5, 4841.) A Abbey. Richard W.: 1451 Abboll : 1329 Abcndanu. Jose: 994 1459, 1619, 1621. 1865. 1872. 2283. 2375. 2588, 2639. 2696. 2864. 3023, 3576. 3';42. 3788, 3813. 3857. 3860. 3869. 38';4, 3923. 393,i, 3966, 409•1. •1095
Alubuma Indians: 2159 Alnbama Bnllulion: 1714 Alaman, Lucas: 61, 66, 845. 857 Alameclu: 2248 Alamo: 136. 213, 371. 426. 673. 1035, 1450. 1451. 1472. 1624. 1680. 2161. 2163. 2168. 2177, 2194. 2195, 221 I. 2212. 2213. 2217. 2218. 2225. 2231. 2233. 2234. 2239. 2248. 2258. 2263, 2266-69. 2277. 2279, 2280. 2285. 2288, 2290. 2292. 2294. 2295. 2300. 2302. 2303. 2307. 2313. 2314. 2317. 2326. 2327, 2378. 2328. 2338. 2342. 2345. 2352, 2356, 2387, 2401. 2406, 2423. 2445. 2460. 2462. 2464. 24";5, 2492. 2502, 2503. 2509. 2580. 2582, 2615, 2620. 2823. 2828. 2859. 2864, 2871. 2913, 2920. 2923. 2926. 29•~9. 2984. 3020. :30:15. 3058. 3066, 3075, 3090. 3095. 3222. 3243. 325~ 3255. 3293, 3303, 3305, 334~ 3350. 3368. 3372, 3528. 3558. 3559, 3561, 3575. 3631. 3656. 3705, 3706, 3738. 3759. 3857, 3894. 3896, 3912. 3966. 4153. 4171, 4175, 42:I0, 4269. 4281. •l293, ,i:130, 4:162. 4365
Abercrombie, W. A.: 1421 Abrams, Alexander: 1528 Acapulco: 1170. 1702 Ackland. Mr. Joseph A.: 1120 Acuna. Martin de: 1161 Adams, Fruncis: 1514
Adams, Frank: 1660 Addison. A. E.: 4037 Addison. Mrs.: 4361 Acllc1t. M. A.: 2983 Adycs Village: 3279 Aensless : 3625
;~ar,.a, Mariu Antonio: 1185 Agua Dulce: 2264. 2432, 4269 Aguado. Francisco: 2879, 4159 A/!uascalientcs: 322, Aguavcrdc: 22, 115, 1624. 1628. 2135 Aguirre: 42. 3628 Aguirre, Joaquin: 2879. 4159 Aguirre. Jose Mnria de: 613. 729 Aguirre, Manuel: 2848, 3047 Aguirre. Marcinl: 28';9, 4159 Ahumada: 189 Ailes: 1842 Ailes, J. F.: 407 5 Ainsworth. A. C.: 3295. 2851. 3253 ,\juntas: 4269 Alabama: 534. 855. 946. 1104, 121 2. 1216. 1235, 13:rn. t35t, 1421.
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