Index - PTR, Vol. 10

Fislwr. Gt•or~c. M<>morials of George Fisher. L1lle Secrelllry lo the Expedi- tion of Gen. Jose Antonio iWexia. 11gainst T111npico. in November. 1835 .•. Houston. I 840. Fool<'. Ht•nry S. Te:rns mul the Texans: or. Advance of the Anglo-Ameri- cans to the South-lV<>M. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1841. Goddard and Kritzler. Beinecke Collection nt Yule University. New Hawn. l<JhtJ. I Gorostiza. Manuel]. Corre.~pondencia Que /-In 1Wediudo entre la Leg11cion Extraordinarill de J\1/exico y el Depnrlllmento de Eswdo de los Esta- dos Unido.~sobre el />aso de/ Sabina por las Tropas Que i\tlandaba el Gen<>ral G11ines. Philadelphia. 1836. Gray. William Fairfax. From Virginia to Texas. Houston. 1909. Gulick. C. A.. ct al lcds.]. The P.1pers of Mirabeau B11on11parte Lamar. 6 vols. Austin. 1921-1927. 1-fotory of Texas. Together with II Biogr11phical /-Ii.story of the Cities of J-/011sto1111nd Galveston. Chicago. Lewis Publishing Company. 1895. Hobby. A. M. Life and Times of D11vid G. Burnet. Galveston, 1871. Houston. Andrew J. Texas Independence. Houston, 1938. Johnson, Allen. Dictionary of American Biography. 12 vols. New York, 192,-1936. Johnson. Frank \V .. and Eugene C. Barker. A History of Texas and Te:rnns. 5 vols. Chicago and New York, 1914. Kemp. Louis \V. The Signers of the Texas Declar11tion of Independence. Houston. 1944. Lester. C. Edwards. The Life of S11m Houston. Philadelphia. 1867. Linn. John J. Reminiscences of Fifty Years in Texas. New York. 1883. Lord. Walter. A Time to Stand. New York. 196 I. [Lundy. Benjamin]. The Origin and True Causes of the Texas Insurrec- tion. Commenced in the Year 1835. [Philadelphia, 1836 ]. [Lundy, Benjamin I. The W11r in Texas. Philadelphia. 1837. McGrane, Reginald C. [ed.]. The correspondence of Nicholas Biddle De,1/ing with National Affairs. 1807-1844. Boston, 1919. [McKinney. Thomas F.]. To All Who 1Way ffove Seen 11nd Re11d the Dying Gro11ns of Wm. Bry11n. E. Hall mid Sam/. Ellis. Ex-Agents of Texas ... Columbia. Texas. 1836. Mayo. Robert. Political Sketches of Eight Ye11rs in W11shington. Balti- more. I H:J9. Morphis. J. M. 1/i.~tory of Texas. New York, 1874. Parker. A. A. Trip to the West 1md Texas ... with II Brief Sketch of the Texi1111 War. Second edition. Concord. New Hampshire. 1836. Phelan. James. /li.~tory of Tennessee. Boston. 1888. Phelan. Macum. A History of Early Methodism in Te:rns. N<'w York. 1924.


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