Index - PTR, Vol. 10

Cartm, de Tej11s y Venid11 de S11nta-A11na. :Mexico. 1836. Castaiwda. Carlos E. The Mexican Side of the Texm1 Revolwion. Dallas. 19~8. Castan('da. Carlos E. Report on the Spanish Archives in San A11to11io. Texas. San Antonio. 1937. Chabot. Frt>derick C. (ed.). Texas Lellers. San Antonio. 1940. Chamb('rs. Thomas J. Documents Connected with the Controversy be- 11t·een Gen. T. J. Chambers of Texas. and Messrs. Wilson & Postleth• ,mite of Kentucky. Louisville. 1836. Chamb('rS. Thomas J. Important Documents. Concerning Texas and the Contro,wsy betrceen General T. J. Chambers and lvlessrs. Wilson 1111d Postlethwaite. Natchez. 1836. Chamb('rs. 111omas J. To the Friends of Liberty. Lexington. 1836. Christy. \Villiam H. Proceedings in the Case of the United States versus William Christy. on a Charge of Having Set on Fool a 1vlililllry Expe- dition. in N,m,-Orleans. against the Territory of 1vlexico. in Novem- ber. 1835 ... New Orleans. 1836. Claiborne. J. F. H. Life and Correspondence ofJohn A. Quitman. 2 vols. New York. 1860. Coat('S. R. M. The Outfaw Years. New York. 1930. Correspondencia de/ Supremo Gobierno sobre los Departamentos de Texas. Matamoros. 1835. Crane. William C. Life and Select Literary Remains of Sam Houston of Texas. Philadelphia. 1884. Dewees. W. B. Letters from a Early Sell/er of Texas. Louisville. 1852. Dixon. Sam Houston. The Men Who Made Texas Free. Austin. 1924. Dixon. Sam Houston. and Louis W. Kemp. The Heroes of San Jacinto. Houston. 1932. Documentos para la /-listoria de la Guerra de Tejas. Mexico, 1952. Documents of Major Gen. Sam Houston ... to His Excellency David G. Burnet . . . Containing a Detailed Account of the Battle of San Ja• cinto. New Orleans. 1836. Edward. David B. The History of Texas: or. The Emigrant's. and Poli- tician ·s Guide ... Cincinnati. 1836. Ehrenberg. Hermann. F'ahrten und Schicksale eines Deutschen in Texas. Leipzig. 1845. Field. Joseph E. Three Years in Texas. Including a View of the Texan Revolution. Greenfield, Mass.. 1836. Filisola. Vicente. Evacuation of Texas. Columbia, Texas, 1837. Filisola. Vicente. !Wemorias para la /-listori11 de la G11err11 de Tejas. 2 vols. Mexico. R. Rafael. 1848-1849. Filisola. \"icente. Memoria.~ parn /11 Historia de la Guerrn de Tej11s. 2 vols. Mexico. Ignacio Cumplido. 1849.


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