Papers of the Texas Revolution, Volume 10.
The Papers of the TEXAS REVOLUTION 1835-1836
John H. Jenkins general editor
Volume 10 Bibliography Index
Presidia) Press Brig. Gen. Jay A. Matthews Publisher Austin 1973
Cop•,1ri~ht © 1973 PRESIDIAL PRESS All Rights Reserved
Editorial Advisory Board
Maj. Gen. Thomas S. Bishop Dr. Donnan H. Winfrey Dr. Malcolm D. McLean
Dr. Robert Cotner Dr. James M. Day Robert Weddle Charles Corkran Richard Santos John Kinney
The interest and assistance of the National Guard Association of Texas in the publication of these works is gratefully acknowledged.
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I I 1 l I I I I
Key to Location Symbols
Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico. Mexico City. Mexico.
... .
Yale University of Library, New Haven. Connecticut.
University of California, Bancroft Library, Berkeley, California.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
National Archives, Washington, D.C.
State Historical Society of .Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri.
University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
New York Historical Society, New York, New York.
Tennessee State Library and Archives. Nashville. Tennessee.
Texas State Library, Archives Division, Austin, Texas.
Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas.
Library of The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas; Archives Division.
Library of The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas; Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center.
Library of The University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas; Latin American Collection.
University of Virginia Library. Charlottesville. Virginia.
A. ivfanuscripl Sources
I. Public Ad Interim Government Papers. Tx.
Archivo General de Mexico Papers. BNM. Typescripts al TxU-A. Army Papers. Tx.
Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Bryan-Toby Papers. Tx. Colonization Papers. Tx.
Comptrollers Civil Service Records. Tx. Comptrollers Military Service Records. Tx.
Comptroller"s Letters. Tx. Confirmation Papers. Tx. Consular Papers. Tx. Consultation Papers. Tx. Convention of I8:36 Papers. Tx. Court of Claims Papers. Tx. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. Executive Letter Books. Tx. Executive Record Books. Tx.
Executive Records. Tx. Financial Affairs. Tx. E. P. Gaines Parers. DNA. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. Historical Archives of the SC'crctary of National Ocfons<'. BNM. Indian Affairs Papers. Tx. Andrew Jackson Papers. DLC. Land Office Papers. Tx. Laredo Archives, St. Mary's University, San Antonio. Tcxns.
Martin Van Buren Papers. DLC. Memorials and Pl'titions Files. Tx.
I· I I I I I
l\aro!!dochrs Archives. Tx. Typrscripts at TxU-A. Naeo!!clochrs CommillN' of Vigilrnce and Safrty Records. TxU-A. !\arogclochrs County Archives. Nacogdoches. Texas. Nnvy Paprrs. Tx. Papt'rS of thr First Congress. Republic of Texas. Tx. Post Officr Papers. Tx. Public Printing Papers. Tx.
' I
Statemrnt Department Papers. Tx. Stair Department Record Books. Tx. Treasury Papers. Tx. 2. Private Henry Austin Papers. TxU-A. Stephen F. Austin Papers. TxU-A.
E. C. Barker Papers. TxU-A. D. C. Barrell Papers. TxU-A. Bingham Family Papers. Mo.
Biographical Files. TxU-8. Asa Brigham Papers. TxU-A. D. 8. Brooks Papers. TxU-A. John S. Brooks Papers. TxU-A. David G. Burnet Papers. TxU-A. Anthony Butler Papers. TxU-A. Carlos E. Castaneda Papers. TxU-A. Coe Collection. CtY.
David Crockett Papers. Maryland Historical Society. Declaration of Independence Signers Collection. TxU-A. Alexander Dienst Papers. TxU-A.
Philip Dimitt Papers. TxU-A. John C. Duval Papers. TxU-A. Alexander Ewing Papers. TxU-A. J. W. Fannin, Jr., Papers. TxU-A. John Forbes Papers. TxU-A. Ben C. Franklin Papers. TxU-A. John W. and Edmund P. Gaines Papers. Tn. Valentin Gomez Farias Papers. TxU-L. Thomas Jefferson Green Papers. NcU. Hassell Family Papers. TxU-A. Madge Hearne Papers. Tx. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers. Tx. Sam Houston Papers. TxU-A. Sam Houston Papers. Tx. T. 8. Huling Papers. TxU-A. A. Huston Papers. Tx.
John Hict• Jones Papers. TxU-A. Ht•nry \\I Karnes Papers. Tx. V. 0. Kini,! Papers. Tx. Mirabeau B. Lamar Papers. Tx. Thomas F. McKinney Papers. TxU-A. Wyly Martin Papers. Tx.
James Morgan Papers. TxGR. E. M. Pease Papers. TxU-A. E. M. Pease Papers. Austin Public Library, Austin, Texas. James F. Perry Papers. TxU-A. William A. Philpott, Jr., Collection, Dallas, Texas.
Joel R. Poinsett Papers. Pl-Ii. John A. Quitman Papers. ViU. Henry Raguel Papers. TxU-A.
Republic of Texas, General File. TxU-A. Sterling C. Robertson Papers. TxU-A. Thomas J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A.
Henry Smith Papers. TxU-A. George W. Smyth Papers. Tx. James Harper Starr Papers. TxU-A. C. 8. Stewart Papers. TxU-A. Charles S. Taylor Selected Papers: R. 8. Blake Typescripts. TxU-A. - Texas Revolution Scrapbooks. TxU-A.
William 8. Travis File. TxU-8. William 8. Travis Papers. TxU-A. Earl Vanclale Papers. TxU-A. Samuel May Williams Papers. TxGR. Samuel May Williams Papers. Tx. R. M. Williamson Papers. Tx. A. J. Yates Papers. TxU-A. Adina de Zavala Papers. TxU-A.
3. Theses Filizola, Umberto. Daniel. Correspondence of Santa Anna during the Texas Campaign. 1835-1836, Translated, with Introduction and Notes. Master's Thesis, University of Texas. Austin, 1939. George. Catherine. The Life of Philip Dimmitt. Master's Thesis. Uni- versity of Texas. Austin. 1937. Mixon. Ruby. William Barret Travis, His Life and Times. Master's Thesis. University of Texas. Austin, 1930.
B. Printed Sources
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lJnitC'cl Statt•s Conµress. J\1exico and 'fexus . . . 24th Congress. 2nd Session. House Executive Document 105. Wash., 1837. United States Congress. Protection of Western Frontier ... 24th Congress. 2nd Session. House Document 249. \Vash., 1836. United States Congress. Nlessnge from the President . . . 24th Congress, 2nd Session. Senate Document I. Wash., 1836. United States Congress. i\1es.rnge . .. Relative to the ..Political. Miliwry. and Civil Condition of Texas." 24th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Document 20. Wash.• 1836. United States Congress. Nlexico-Texas-Canada ... 25th Congress, 2nd Session. House Executive Document 74. Wash., 1838. United States Congress. Gorostiza Pamphlet: 1\1essage from the President ... 25th Congress, 2nd Session, House Executive Document 190. Wash., 1838. United States Congress. United States and J'vlexico . .. 25th Congress. 2nd Session. House Executive Document 351. Wash.• 1838. Winfrey, Dorman H.• and James M. Day [eels.]. lnclian Papers of Texas and the Southwest. 1825-1916. 5 vols. Austin, 1966. Winkler, E. W. [ed.]. Secret Journals of the Senate: Republic of Texas. 1836-1845. [Austin], 1911. 2. General Almonte. Juan N. Noticia Esrndistica sobre Tejas. Mexico, 1835. Andrade, Juan Jose de. Documentos Que el General Andrade Publica sobre la Evacuacion de la Ciudad de San Antonio de Bejar. del De- partamento de Tejas. a Sus Compatriotas. Monterey, 1836. Austin. Stephen F. An Address Delivered by S. F. Austin of Texas. to a Very Large Audience of Ladies and Gentlemen in the Second Presby- terian Church. Louisville. Kentucky. on the ·7th of 1\tlarch. 1836. Lexington, 1836. Baker. D. W .C. A Texas Scrap-Book. Made Up of the History. Biography. and J\tliscelluny of Texas and Its People. New Orleans. 1875. Barker. Eugene C. [ed.]. The Austin Papers. Vol. III. Austin. [ 1927]. Barker. Eugene C. Life of Stephen F. Austin. Austin. 1949. Barker. Eugene C. Mexico and Texas. 1821-1835. Dallas. 1928. Barker, Eugene C. Readings in Texas History. Dallas, 1929. Barker, Eugene C. Speeches. Responses. and Essays: Critical and Histor- ical. Austin, 1954. Brown, John Henry. History of Texas. from 1685 to 1892. 2 vols. St. Louis, [ 1892-1893 I. Brown. John Henry. Life and Times of Henry Smith, the First American Governor of Texas. Dallas, 1895. [Bryan, William. ct al]. A Vindication of the Conduct of the Agency of Texas. in New Orleans. New Orleans, l 836.
Cartm, de Tej11s y Venid11 de S11nta-A11na. :Mexico. 1836. Castaiwda. Carlos E. The Mexican Side of the Texm1 Revolwion. Dallas. 19~8. Castan('da. Carlos E. Report on the Spanish Archives in San A11to11io. Texas. San Antonio. 1937. Chabot. Frt>derick C. (ed.). Texas Lellers. San Antonio. 1940. Chamb('rs. Thomas J. Documents Connected with the Controversy be- 11t·een Gen. T. J. Chambers of Texas. and Messrs. Wilson & Postleth• ,mite of Kentucky. Louisville. 1836. Chamb('rS. Thomas J. Important Documents. Concerning Texas and the Contro,wsy betrceen General T. J. Chambers and lvlessrs. Wilson 1111d Postlethwaite. Natchez. 1836. Chamb('rs. 111omas J. To the Friends of Liberty. Lexington. 1836. Christy. \Villiam H. Proceedings in the Case of the United States versus William Christy. on a Charge of Having Set on Fool a 1vlililllry Expe- dition. in N,m,-Orleans. against the Territory of 1vlexico. in Novem- ber. 1835 ... New Orleans. 1836. Claiborne. J. F. H. Life and Correspondence ofJohn A. Quitman. 2 vols. New York. 1860. Coat('S. R. M. The Outfaw Years. New York. 1930. Correspondencia de/ Supremo Gobierno sobre los Departamentos de Texas. Matamoros. 1835. Crane. William C. Life and Select Literary Remains of Sam Houston of Texas. Philadelphia. 1884. Dewees. W. B. Letters from a Early Sell/er of Texas. Louisville. 1852. Dixon. Sam Houston. The Men Who Made Texas Free. Austin. 1924. Dixon. Sam Houston. and Louis W. Kemp. The Heroes of San Jacinto. Houston. 1932. Documentos para la /-listoria de la Guerra de Tejas. Mexico, 1952. Documents of Major Gen. Sam Houston ... to His Excellency David G. Burnet . . . Containing a Detailed Account of the Battle of San Ja• cinto. New Orleans. 1836. Edward. David B. The History of Texas: or. The Emigrant's. and Poli- tician ·s Guide ... Cincinnati. 1836. Ehrenberg. Hermann. F'ahrten und Schicksale eines Deutschen in Texas. Leipzig. 1845. Field. Joseph E. Three Years in Texas. Including a View of the Texan Revolution. Greenfield, Mass.. 1836. Filisola. Vicente. Evacuation of Texas. Columbia, Texas, 1837. Filisola. Vicente. !Wemorias para la /-listori11 de la G11err11 de Tejas. 2 vols. Mexico. R. Rafael. 1848-1849. Filisola. \"icente. Memoria.~ parn /11 Historia de la Guerrn de Tej11s. 2 vols. Mexico. Ignacio Cumplido. 1849.
Fislwr. Gt•or~c. M<>morials of George Fisher. L1lle Secrelllry lo the Expedi- tion of Gen. Jose Antonio iWexia. 11gainst T111npico. in November. 1835 .•. Houston. I 840. Fool<'. Ht•nry S. Te:rns mul the Texans: or. Advance of the Anglo-Ameri- cans to the South-lV<>M. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1841. Goddard and Kritzler. Beinecke Collection nt Yule University. New Hawn. l<JhtJ. I Gorostiza. Manuel]. Corre.~pondencia Que /-In 1Wediudo entre la Leg11cion Extraordinarill de J\1/exico y el Depnrlllmento de Eswdo de los Esta- dos Unido.~sobre el />aso de/ Sabina por las Tropas Que i\tlandaba el Gen<>ral G11ines. Philadelphia. 1836. Gray. William Fairfax. From Virginia to Texas. Houston. 1909. Gulick. C. A.. ct al lcds.]. The P.1pers of Mirabeau B11on11parte Lamar. 6 vols. Austin. 1921-1927. 1-fotory of Texas. Together with II Biogr11phical /-Ii.story of the Cities of J-/011sto1111nd Galveston. Chicago. Lewis Publishing Company. 1895. Hobby. A. M. Life and Times of D11vid G. Burnet. Galveston, 1871. Houston. Andrew J. Texas Independence. Houston, 1938. Johnson, Allen. Dictionary of American Biography. 12 vols. New York, 192,-1936. Johnson. Frank \V .. and Eugene C. Barker. A History of Texas and Te:rnns. 5 vols. Chicago and New York, 1914. Kemp. Louis \V. The Signers of the Texas Declar11tion of Independence. Houston. 1944. Lester. C. Edwards. The Life of S11m Houston. Philadelphia. 1867. Linn. John J. Reminiscences of Fifty Years in Texas. New York. 1883. Lord. Walter. A Time to Stand. New York. 196 I. [Lundy. Benjamin]. The Origin and True Causes of the Texas Insurrec- tion. Commenced in the Year 1835. [Philadelphia, 1836 ]. [Lundy, Benjamin I. The W11r in Texas. Philadelphia. 1837. McGrane, Reginald C. [ed.]. The correspondence of Nicholas Biddle De,1/ing with National Affairs. 1807-1844. Boston, 1919. [McKinney. Thomas F.]. To All Who 1Way ffove Seen 11nd Re11d the Dying Gro11ns of Wm. Bry11n. E. Hall mid Sam/. Ellis. Ex-Agents of Texas ... Columbia. Texas. 1836. Mayo. Robert. Political Sketches of Eight Ye11rs in W11shington. Balti- more. I H:J9. Morphis. J. M. 1/i.~tory of Texas. New York, 1874. Parker. A. A. Trip to the West 1md Texas ... with II Brief Sketch of the Texi1111 War. Second edition. Concord. New Hampshire. 1836. Phelan. James. /li.~tory of Tennessee. Boston. 1888. Phelan. Macum. A History of Early Methodism in Te:rns. N<'w York. 1924.
Q1111rterly of the Texas Srnte I-listoric11l Association. Volumes 1-X V. Austin. 189:-1912. Haim•s. C. W. Year Book for Texas. Volume II. Austin. 1903. Richardson. D. & W. The Texas Almanac for 1859-11870). Galveston. 1858-1869. Hobinson. D. W. Judge Robert McAlpin Williamson. Texas· Three- Legged Willie. Austin. 1948. Robles. Vito Alessio. Coahuila y Texas desde la Consumacion de la lnde- pendencia hasta el Tratado de Pa: de Gm1dalupe Hidalgo. 2 vols. Mexico. 1945-1946. Sanchez Lamedo. M. A. The Siege & Taking of the Alamo. Santa Fe. 1%8. Santa Anna. Antonio Lopez de. 1Wanifiesto que de Sus Operaciones en la Campana de Tejas. Veracruz. 183 7. Shackford. J. A. David Crockett: The :Wan and the Legend. Austin. 1968. Southwestern Historical Quarterly. Volumes XVI-LXXVI. Austin, 1912- 19:2. Streeter. 1l1omas W. Bibliography of Texas. 1795-1845. S vols. Cam- bridge. 1955-1960. Sutherland. John. The Fall of the Alamo. San Antonio. 1936. Texana. Volumes I-VI. Waco, 1964-1972. Urrea. Jose. Diario de las Operaciones Militares de la Division que al Mando de General Jose Urrea Hi:o la Campana de Tejas. Victoria de Durango, 1838. Wade. Houston. David G. Burnet Letters. La Grange, 11936). Webb. Walter P. led.). The Handbook of Texas. 2 vols. Austin, 1952. Webster. Fletcher led.). The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster. Boston. 1903. Wharton. Clarence R. History of Fort Bend County. San Antonio, 1939. Wharton. William H. Texas : Address of the Honorable Wm. H. Wharton. Delivered in New York. on Tuesday. April 26. 1836 . .. New York, 1836. Wharton. William H. Texas. a Brief Account of the Origin. Progress and Present State of the Colonial Settlements of Texas . . . Nashville, 1836. Williams. Amelia W.. and Eugene C. Barker leds.). The Writings of Sam Houston. 1813-1863. 8 vols. Austin, 1938-1943. Williams. A. M. Sam Houston and the War of Independence in Texas. Boston. 1893. Yoakum. Henderson. History of Texas from Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States in I 846. 2 vols. New York, 185.).
3. Newspapers
Ark11ns11s Gazette (Lillie Rock), 1835-1836. Army 11nd Navy Chronicle (Washington, D.C.I. 1836. Austin Swtesman. 1973. Boston Liberator, 1836. Cincinnati Commercial, 1879. Clinton, Mississippi. Gazette, 1836. Correo Atlantico (New Orleans), 1835-1836. Cumberland Presbyteri11n (Nashville, Tennessee), 1836. Daily Jourm1l (Louisville, Kentucky). 1836. Daily Eastern Argus (Portland, MaineI. 1910. Dallas News, 1892. Diario de Gobierno (Mexico City), 1836. Daily News (Galveston), 1911. GeorgiJI Messenger (Macon), 1835-1836. Grand Gulf. Mississippi, Advertiser, 1836. Lexington. Kentucky, Intelligencer, 1836. Lillie Rock Advocate, 1836. Matagorda Bulletin, 1838. Memphis Enquirer, 1836. El ivlercurio (Matamoros), 1836. i\llississippi Free Trader 11nd Natchez Gazette, 1836. Mobile Register, 1836. The Morning Star (Houston), 1841. EI Mosquito Mexicano (Mexico City), 1835-1836. EI Nacional (Mexico City), 1836. Nacogdoches Sentinel, 1927. Natchez Courier, 1836. National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 1835-1836. New Orleans Bee, 1835. New Orleans Commercial Bulletin, 1836. New Orleans Commercial Gazette, 1836. New Orleans Courier, 1836. New Orleans True Americ1m, 1836. New York Christian Advocate and Journal, 1836. The New Yorker, 1836.
Niles Register (Baltimore I, 1835-183 7. Nothem Stam/arc/ (Clarksville), 1851. Northwestern G11zette 1md Galena Advertiser (Galena, Illinois). 1836. Ohio Monitor (Columbus). 18:~6. Portsmouth. New Hampshire, Journal, 1835-1836. Richmond, Virginia, Whig, 1835-1836.
St. Louis Commerri11I Bulletin. 1836. San Antonio £,:press. 19:t:-. Telegraph and Tex11s Register tSan Felipe. Harrisburg. Columbia. Hous- ton 1. 1835-183';". Texan 11nd Emigrant's Guide tNacogdochesl. 1835-1836. The Texas Republican tBrazorial. 1835-1836. Texas State Ga:elle tAustinl. 1851. Western Weekly Review IFranklin. Tennessccl. 1836.
i I I !·
-----~. -
[References are to item numbers. Longer entries arc divided into three sections: Leners from ILFI: Leners to ILTI: and Mentioned IMI. A few very large subjects, such as Sun Antonio and San Felipe. have been omilled because or the impracticability or indexing them. The lust Few items of vol. 9. being lengthy. have been indexed by hoth item and page number. such as: Cedar Lake: •B66 Ip. •H9, 4-;'5, 4841.) A Abbey. Richard W.: 1451 Abboll : 1329 Abcndanu. Jose: 994 1459, 1619, 1621. 1865. 1872. 2283. 2375. 2588, 2639. 2696. 2864. 3023, 3576. 3';42. 3788, 3813. 3857. 3860. 3869. 38';4, 3923. 393,i, 3966, 409•1. •1095
Alubuma Indians: 2159 Alnbama Bnllulion: 1714 Alaman, Lucas: 61, 66, 845. 857 Alameclu: 2248 Alamo: 136. 213, 371. 426. 673. 1035, 1450. 1451. 1472. 1624. 1680. 2161. 2163. 2168. 2177, 2194. 2195, 221 I. 2212. 2213. 2217. 2218. 2225. 2231. 2233. 2234. 2239. 2248. 2258. 2263, 2266-69. 2277. 2279, 2280. 2285. 2288, 2290. 2292. 2294. 2295. 2300. 2302. 2303. 2307. 2313. 2314. 2317. 2326. 2327, 2378. 2328. 2338. 2342. 2345. 2352, 2356, 2387, 2401. 2406, 2423. 2445. 2460. 2462. 2464. 24";5, 2492. 2502, 2503. 2509. 2580. 2582, 2615, 2620. 2823. 2828. 2859. 2864, 2871. 2913, 2920. 2923. 2926. 29•~9. 2984. 3020. :30:15. 3058. 3066, 3075, 3090. 3095. 3222. 3243. 325~ 3255. 3293, 3303, 3305, 334~ 3350. 3368. 3372, 3528. 3558. 3559, 3561, 3575. 3631. 3656. 3705, 3706, 3738. 3759. 3857, 3894. 3896, 3912. 3966. 4153. 4171, 4175, 42:I0, 4269. 4281. •l293, ,i:130, 4:162. 4365
Abercrombie, W. A.: 1421 Abrams, Alexander: 1528 Acapulco: 1170. 1702 Ackland. Mr. Joseph A.: 1120 Acuna. Martin de: 1161 Adams, Fruncis: 1514
Adams, Frank: 1660 Addison. A. E.: 4037 Addison. Mrs.: 4361 Acllc1t. M. A.: 2983 Adycs Village: 3279 Aensless : 3625
;~ar,.a, Mariu Antonio: 1185 Agua Dulce: 2264. 2432, 4269 Aguado. Francisco: 2879, 4159 A/!uascalientcs: 322, Aguavcrdc: 22, 115, 1624. 1628. 2135 Aguirre: 42. 3628 Aguirre, Joaquin: 2879. 4159 Aguirre. Jose Mnria de: 613. 729 Aguirre, Manuel: 2848, 3047 Aguirre. Marcinl: 28';9, 4159 Ahumada: 189 Ailes: 1842 Ailes, J. F.: 407 5 Ainsworth. A. C.: 3295. 2851. 3253 ,\juntas: 4269 Alabama: 534. 855. 946. 1104, 121 2. 1216. 1235, 13:rn. t35t, 1421.
..\lomo de PorTos: 913 :\la,us. From:o: 284 7 ..\l\'orazo: 2407 Albnm·. N.Y.: 305:. 32,6 :\lhar~s. Gl'n.: 240. IO 11
..\lien. Sam. T.: 906. 111 i. 3090• 436,l. 4366 Alll'n. Thomas J.: 3090 Alley: 813. 81<J. 820. 836. 8i0. 890. 914. 931. <J43. 1308. 1•l50 ..\lll'y. John: i31. 8:!I. 828. 1064. 2329
:\kontro: :! 135 ..\kan111s: 3628 Allwrica. Agustin: 2918. 2956. 3040. 30•l7. 3581 ..\ldomo. Rl'giment of: 986. 2248, 2657. 3047 Alden. F. Y.: li(,0
..\lie\·, William: 4071 Alli;on. Alfred: 792 Allison. John B.: 3412 ..\llison.JohnC.: li82 Allsburv: 3039 Allsbu~. D.: 3989
Aldrete. l\liguel: 1561 ..\ldrelle Rancho: 4096 Aldretto: 161 Aldrid~e: 1064
Almont~. Juan N.: LF 83. 3189: LT 626: M 18. 3i, 59. 66, 101. 145, 162. 351. 37i. 4,6. i3i, 1122, 1465. 1527. 203i. 2120. 2203. 2328. 2821. 2823. 2828. 2844• 2848. 2891. 290i, 2920. 294~ 2949. 2963, 3151. 3188. 3339, 3528. 3530, 3538. 3628. 365i. 3i55. 3864. 3988, 4145, 4159. 4200. 4230. 4332 Alpuche. Jose Mario: 784, 834, 1289. 13i9. 2941. 4346 Alsberry. Horatio A.: 556. 1652 ..\Itopa, Col.: 333 Al\'a, Joaquin de: 1090 Al\'arodo. Miguel: 3581 Al\'ores: 693. 925. 948. 1170, 1617, 2149 Al\'ares, Juan: 122. I76 Alvarez. Jose Ignacio: 3143 Amodor. Juan: 1111. 2248, 3515, 3631.4093.4259. 4317 Amsterdam: 3667 Amat. Augustine: 2657. 3162, 3165 Amsterdam: 3667 America. tSchoonerl: I591 American Eagle. ISteamboatI: 2534 ..\millo. Don Pio Quinta: 2132 Amory, Nathaniel: LF 2i26. 4158, 4165: M 4076. 4119. 4152. 4164, 4211. 4215. 4223 Ampudio. Pedro (Lt. Col.I: 2749, 2964. 2965. 3047. 4285. 4317 Anadarko Indians: 2261. 3935 Anahuac: LF 29. ii. JOS. I 18. 119, I52. 191. 192. 193, 194. 200, 230, 294. 346, 356. 425, 3814, 4055. 4058. 4084. 4303: LT 165. 21 7. 303. 433. 439: M I33, 148. l 56, 164, li9, 180. 213. 214, 234, 236, 244. 251. 287. 297, 299, 319, 325, 32i, 329. 331. 336. 33i, 345. 338. 339. 361. 371. 3i 2. 373, 388, 392, 394. 395. 396. •lO I. 404. 422. 432, 4:J5, 444. 45 i. 461. 463, 466, 484,
Alegre. Alexandro: 853 All'gria. Mortin de: 156 ..\lemon. Lucas: 3956. 4081 Alexander. George: 1528. 1626 Alexander, Mortin H.: 24 i I Alexandria. Lo. : l 032. 1498. 1695. 2438. 2654. 3220. 3448. 3494, 352i. 3944.4095 Alford. George G.: 3892. 4124. 4306 Alford. John L.: 19i I ..\lie\': 808. 910 ..\lib.right. Alexander: 4245 Allcorn: ,,6 Allcorn. Jefferson: 228i, 4365 Allen: 58i. 1122. 1238, 1399, 1423, 14,1. 1488. 1520, 1522, 1545, 1546. 1595. 1619. 1635. 1649, 1686. 1991. 20i4. 2145, 2314. 23,3. 2590. 26i6, 3168, 325i. 3436. 3460. 3541. 3563. 3568. 3614. 3632. 3698, 3i55, 4330. 4364 Allen. A. C. : 560. 654. 884. I061, 1,61. 1806. l 8i9, 1935. 2700, 2986.3440. 3,i3. 3801.4364 Allen. ..\. J.: 4012 Alim. C.: 244 Allen. Codo: 28i Allen.Jno. K.: LF 1191. 133i. 6049. 4158: M 58, 126. 653, 884. I085. 116i. 1302. 1312, 1328. Ji64. 1885. 3319. 33i8. 3464. 3466. 4133. 4333 AIIPn. Jomes: 3230, 4105. 4 li9 Alll'n. J. M.: LT 1.'i4i. 1563. 1661, 2644: LF l.'>58. 1610. 184i. 295i: M 163i. 1868. 2260. 22i0. 22i2, 22i5. 228i. 2318, 2489, 3il4, •B33. 4365 Allen. John 0.: 1141 Allen. L.: I i82 Allen, Martin: 28i, 374, 3150
488. 510. 519.560. 56~ 565. 571. M3. <,53. 685. 750. 986, 1052. l0i4. 1699, 2lM9. 2057. 2122. 240,. 2547. 2548. 2595. 2785. 28il. 2963. 2984, 3328. 333~ 3528. 3748. 3800. 39•U, 4065. 4094. 4175, 4251, 4332. 4362 fp. 173. 1791 Ana\'11. Jose: I 090 And~pia: I09i Anderson: 336. i38. i 48, 788
,\rans:1s: 59:1. I007. I020. I083, IO'lll. 11172. 188•1. 193<,. 2007. 20111. 2170. 2285. 3.,75. •1362 tp. 20(,-2081. 4366 Ip. 4.,0. 4751 Arbuckle, Gen.: 2286. 2S8 I. 2944. 2720, 37S9. 3944. 4095. 4310 Arch<'r. Branch T.: LF 498. 530. 53 I. 728. 1078. 1133. 1134. 1163, 1196. l3SI. 1775. 1806, 1808. 1826. 1848. 1869. 2108. 2832. 31•15. 3,54. 37,5; LT 1139. 1323. 1335. M03, 1413. 1427. 1431. 1481. 1523. 1.548. 1555. 1569. 1751. 1789, 18l•l, 1846. 1832. 1847. 1866. 1898. 1901. 1987. 2130. 2515. 253~ 2S7~ 2876. 295~ 390S. 3977; M 28.'>. 288. 292, 512, 640,64i.6Si.9S8.963.982. JIU~ 11,4. 1200. 1202. 1511. 1582. 1591. 1612. 1655. I 714. 1744, 1760. 1768. 1829, 1868. 1934, 2042. 2121. 2146. 2179. 2238. 2334. 2373. 2•M3. 2450. 2491, 2510. 2516. 2568. 2610. 2887. 2966. 3106. 3121. 3219. 3365. 3387, 3411, 3436, 3460, 3461. 3530. 3552, 3560. 3642. 3658. 3667. 3714. 3746, 3H9. 3776. 3781. 3828. 3922, 3937, 3940. 3987. 4005, 4026, 4038. 4047. 4M8. 4126. 4166, 4156. 4186, 4239. 4281, 4307. 4332. 4364 (p. 2'15. 248. 272. 282. 2841. 4365 (p. 3691. •1366 (p. 382. 414. 422. •1281 Archibald, Henry. 1782 Arciniega. Miguel: 551, 1447. 3886. 3990. 4002 Arcos: 28•l8 Arcos. Lorenzo: 3628, 4159 Arcos. Mi1,,'l1el: 2055 Arculanius. N.Y.: 3276 Arcunzia. llnfnel: 2879 Arechuge. Jose M.: I 090 Arena(, Ignacio: 2879. 3628. 4159 Arenas, Jose: •H59 ,\reos. Lorenzo: 2879 Arias. Juan: 3628 Arcansero. Raphael: 4159 Arch<'r. fSchoon<'rl: 375S
Anderson. Baily: 2255 Anderson. C. D.: 2824 Anderson. David: 142 Anderson. Capt. R.: I 052 Anderson. Tho.: 7()2 Anderson. Washington: 2824
Andrade. Juan Jose: LF 2536, 2564. 2660. 2684. 2685. 2803. 3075. 3076. 3404. 3405. 3413, 341~ 3500. 3631. 3774; LT 2559. 2905, 3095. 3H5. 3401. 3703; M 2917. 2996. 3243. 327~ 3316. 333~ 3372. 3395. 3429. 35I~ 3515 Andrews: 398. 977. 2155. 2176, 3106. 3303 Andrews. E.: 958, 987, 1099, 2412, 2460. 2578. 4364 (~ 2621 Andrews. Edmund: LF 498. 50 I. 585. 638. 1332. 3539. •H66; LT 3928. 4014; M 297, 1474, 3913, 4366 (p. 497. 4981 Andrews. Eclwd.: 643. 3080 Andrews. Michael: 3770 Andrews, Richard: 594, 627, 1004, 1066. 1613 Andrews. W.: 2542 Anellar. Jesus: 2287 Angel. John: 498 Angelina Ri\'er: 952, 2159. 2407, 3278.3544. 3588.4364 (p. 2841 Antoine. Sayle: 1561 Apache Indians: 4094 Apollo: 3,96 Apotheyahola: 609. 611 Appalachicoles: 3846 Appleman. John: 1982. 1983, 1998. 2224,3027,3687. 3827 Appleton, John: 1884, 1981, 2001. 23,6. 2995 Aqua_Verda: 925 Aranda. John : 2847 Animas: 3404. 3405 Anthony. A.: 3896 Anthony. D. W.: 244 Anthony. Rodney: 3896
Arius. Mariano: 415() ,\rins. l\kxicano: 2879 Arickura Indians: 3846 1\rista: :1499. :1,36
Arkansas: 1·121. 2015. 2529. 2808. 2966. 3030. 3152. 3232. 3661. 3838. 3885. 3()02. 3944. 4095. 4117.4177. 426~4282
Arkansas River: bl I. 2639. 3311 Armor. Snmuel: 3362 Armon·. Nathaniel: 2505 Armstrong: 3 I 03 Armstrong. Andrt>w: 2438 Armstrong. Bob: 2119 Armstrong. H. F.: 792 Armstrong. W.: 2331 Armstrong. William: 3030 Arnat. Agustin: 22 1 18 Arnest. George C.: 2106. 3305 ,\rnest. 1l10mas M.: 3305 Arnold (Generali: 1462. 1600 Arnold. Havden: 2957 Arnold. He;,drick: M50. 1698 Arnold. Samuel: 4257 Arocha. Jose Maria: 1921. 1960, 2292. 2303 Arreola. Vicente: 126. 147. 204, 235, 525. 575. 2039 Arrington. William: 987. 1117. 4364 • Ip. 261. 282. 2851. 4365 (p. 34il. 4366 Ip. 3831 Arrow Rock: 2892 Artiga. Jose Luis: 284i Artraga. Luis: 279i Anamendi, Franco: 896 Aney Chacon. Pedrode: 1090 Asher. James: 142 Assumption. La.: 3312 Atascosa : 1135. 1181, 1232 Atnkapas. La.: 2523 Atasco sito: 2400. 2525. 297i. 304i, 3058 Atkins. Joseph: 28i Atkinson: 1029, 1040, 1592, 3516, 3944 Atlantic Insurance Co.: 1622 Atoveue. R.: 3588 Att~gas: 2729 Attakapas: 2912 Attree. William H.: 2240 Aub'l.l~tin: 1005. 4364 Ip. 25i. 2i21 Au1,,>11stin. Henry: I 117. 4364 fp. 25il Aurora. (Schooner I: 1905, 2010 Austin Committee of Safety: 639, 64i, 649. 651. 71~ 711,723. 73~ i3~ 744. 745 Austin, Capt.: I157. 3539 Austin. Doctor: 3244 Austin, Mr.: LF 421. 3309; LT 402, M 42, 76. 213. 329, 392. 513, 552. 643, 1000. I490, 2396. 2419. 2432. 2442. 2449. 2564, 2653, 3658, 3729 Austin, Miss: 3283 Atwell. Wm.: 3364 Aubr.·. Adrien: 1428
Austin. Mrs.: 1122 Austin. Bt>njnmin: 2095. 2633 Austin. Dav.: 2095
Austin. Hrnr~: LF 157. 292. 605. 1313. 1332. 1480. 2578. 2612. 2633. 2636. 2986. 3794. 4290. 4294: LT 1713. 2086. 3540: M 36. 2244. 2460. 2490. 2594. 3608 Austin. John: 160. 3748 Austin. Jno. P.: 1122. 3818. 41i5, 4251fi Austin, Moses: 4094 Austin. Stephrn F.: LF 19. 36. 59. 61. 66. 70. 75, 89. 90. 98. 104. 128, 145. 162.366. 476. 534. 538. 539. 597,608.622. 639. 644. 645. 648, 650. 651. 668. 6i6. 689. 690. 691. 698.710. 711,723.724. i30. i31. 744. 745. 751. i52. 776. 801. 802. 813. 815. 827. 828. 835-38. 854. 866. 87i. 878, 885. 886. 89i-901. 910-12. 941- 1 14. 948-51. 970. 972. 977-81. 988-90. 1002. 1004. 1005, 1006. 1015. 1021. 1028. 1035. I 054. I 056. I 05 i. I 062-66, I Oi 4. 1079. 1088. 1102. 1112-14. 1123-25. 1135. 1145. 1150, 1156, 1176. 1179-82. 1192. 1193. I I9i. 1198. 1204. 1205. 1206. 121i-30. 1248. 1258. 1268-il, l2i5, 12i8. 1280. 1338. 1365, 1376. 1383. 1442. 14il. 148i. 1582. 1583, 1611. 1612. 1713-li. 1745, 1774, 1799. 1800. 1806, 1808. 1809. 1821-2i. 1848. 1867-69, 1880. 1881. 1901. 2086. 210i. 2108. 212i. 2129. 222i. 2238. 2373, 2491. 2492. 2545. 2661-63, 2i64. 2832. 2850, 2966. 2997. 307i, 3126, 3144. 3145. 3365. 3540, 3541, 3592. 3609. 3610, 3611, 3612. 3632. 3650, 3658. 3714, 3746. 3754. 3802, 3864, 3865, 3922. 3981. 4005. 4051, 4126. 4260. 4278. 4304. 4336, 4337. 4340: LT 55, IOI, 141. 160. 585-87. 632. 635. 637, 660. 662. 663.693. 702. 704, 70~ 722. 735. 750. i53. 765. 768. 771. 778, 780. 78~ 786. 791. i95, 803, 80~ 810, 8li.830.834,842. 844. 846. 84i. 848. 852. 861. 864, 870, 876. 883. 890.893.895.902, 905. 91~ 91~ 917. 919. 923-26. 931. 937. 938. 945.953,956.963, 964. 973. 976. 987. 994. 1000. I002. I009, IO14. IO 15, IO 16. I 029, I 039. I 044. I053, I059, 1065, I069, I073.
I ~
1077. 1083. IOH6. 1087. 10119. I I03. I I05. 1132. 1153. I I;;7. IIM,. IH,8. 1170. 1183. IIIJ5. 12111. 1219. 1232. 1237. 1248. 1250. 1260. 126 I. I2b6. 1272. 1281. l:H I. 1377. 1403. 1404. 1413. 1427. 1431. IH5. 1480. 1481. 1517. 1523. 1548. 1555. 15(,9. 1586. 1751. 1789. 1846. 1847. 1832. l86~ 1873. l89~ 1%3. 11)87. 2095. 2102. 2130. 2150. 253~ 263~ 2725, 2759, 2788. 2812. 2816, 2876. 2954. 2976. 2999. 3057. 3097. 3174. 3187. 3197. 3225. 3236. 3245, 3249. 3257. 3258. 3266. 3291. 3433, 34110, 3479. 3506. 3550. 3552. 3560. 3613. 3620. 3630. 3642. 3663. 3667. 3683. 3708. 3732. 3736. 3776. 3808. 3815, 3818. 3828. 3871. 3872. 3882. 3977. 3981. 3999. 4004. 4048. 4051. 4060. 11061. 4071. 4098. 4102. 4113. 4166, 4257. 4290. 4294. 4327; M 12. 37. 121. 126. 130. 151. 157. 163. 203. 231,240. 248. 254. 285. 314,320. 41~ 478. 567. 577. 596.597, 599. 602. 605. 619.652.655.656, 658. 659. 664. 738. 747. 748. 760. 777. 779. 783, 786. 788. 790. 793. 798. 809. 810. 811,814.831. 832. 833. 849. 850. 862.863.873.874. 896. 897,906. 910. 917. 932. 940, 947. 952, 957-62. 965,994.998. 1064, 1067, 1101. 1108. 1119. 1127. 1140. 1144. 1174. 1200. 1202, 1239. 1261. 1274. 1279. 1290. 1325, 1358, 1386, 1450. 1454. 1486, H91, 1498. 1503. 1515. 1534. 1613. 1655. 1680. 1741, 1744. 1746. 1760. 1768, 1775. 1813, 1829. 1906. 1933, 1934. 1991. 2042. 2146. 2179, 2244, 2321. 2339. 2443. 2450, 2510. 2515. 2516. 2568. 2579, 2612. 2818. 2864. 2887, 3106, 3121. 3145. 3149. 3236. 3298. 3411, 3415. 3436. 3442. 3447. 3449, 3460. 3461, 3468. 3542. 3544, 3555. 3564. 3602. 3635, 3749, 3773. 3775, 3781. 3811, 3823. 3842. 3856, 3857. 3940. 4003. 4026, 4038. 406~ 4098. 4102. 4142. 4156. 4209. 11281. 4307. •133 I , 4:J32. 4362 Ip. 172. 176. 179. 1931. 4364 Ip. 250. 266. 271-741. 4:\65 Ip. 3691. 4366 fp. 400. 401. 422. 414. 422. 4281
Austin. William T.: LF 429. 728. 827. 837. 3091; LT 23M; M 244. 512. 530. 6•17. 657. 1112. 1114. 1125. 1278. 1308. 1450. 1472. 2322. 2328. 2460. 3276. 4333, 4364 Ip. 245-1161 Austin"s Colony: 1680. 2151. 2200. 2604. 3020. 3119, 3155. 3177. 3486 Autrv: 1764. 1779. 2382. 2507 Autr)·. Martha: 1770 Autry. Micajnh: 1398. 1462. 1770. 2:\26 Avelez. Gnhriel: 4066 Avenas. Jose: 2879 Avery. Tl10s. H. : 2220 Ayuncyes: 3935 Avers: 18. 258 A)•ers. David: 2233, 2634. 3'121. 3457 Ayers. L.: 1434. I 152. I 968 Ayish. Bayou: 702. 776, 832. 905. 1073. 1075. 1167. 1186. 2261. 3653. 3797. 3805. 3844. 3851. 4333. 4366 fp. 11591 Azamgo. lb'llncio: 1161 B Babbit. E. D. B.: 2095 Babcock. D.: 2983 Bache. Richard: 351 i. 380 I Bachille. Miguel Diego de: 3628 A,·e7.ana. Jose: 1127 Avila. Jose M.: 3628 Avila. Vincente: 2879. 4159 Badgett. Jesse B.: 1436. 1925. 2021. 222b. 2347. 4365 Ip. 290. 306. 325. 345. 346. 347.3671 Badgett. N. IL: 2840 Badilla: 1193 Bahamas Island: 1898 Bahia: 251. 892. 986. 2823, 2828. 2933. 3018. 3035. 3037. 3039. 3052. 3058. 3070. 3087. 3134. 3211.3224. 3250.3272. 3275 Bailey. E.: 669 Baile,·. Edward: 2338. 276() Bnchillet. Miguel: 2879 Bachrilles. Miguel: 4159 Bacon. Mr.: 3869 Badget. W.: I •136
Baile~·. J.P.: 1779 Baile~·. l\·I. l\l. : 2()83 Baile~··s Prairie: 65 j' Baih:: 2H2, 2509 Bai,;j!·s: I 029 Bnird: 1002 Bujio. A.: 1795
Bnk<'r: -122. 456. 4h0. 41\l. 51';'. 5';'2. 5:(). b40. ';'08. 803. 952. 1089. 1311. 1604. 20:0. 214';'. 2411. 25:.1. 2';'52. -1189 Buk<'r. D.: 3256
Barlow. Noah: 219';' Burnard, Joseph H.: 3359. 4362 {p. 2181 Barig11n. Capt.: 333 Bark<'r, Andrew: 142 Barnet. Geo. W.: 2226. 234,. 4365 Ip. 290. 3061 Burnell, Mr.: 180. 938. 1064. 4365 Ip. 350. 3541 Barnell. Tl10s.: I688. I924. 2226. 234-;. 4364-66 Barr, Major: 26:H. 2938 Barragan: 489. 576. 1324. 3189. 4307 Barragan. Manual R. : LF 32. 86. 186. 195.201. 219. 227. 282. 367. 502. 546. 598. 616. 6ii; LT 212. 216, 269: M 213. 299 Barragan. Miguel: 116,149,322.462. 732. i53 Barragan. Ygnacio: 2964 Barre. D. 1-1.: 2076. 4349 Barreda. Antonio: I 090 Barrera. Ignacio de la: I 090 Barret. Wm. D.: 12,0 Barrell: 644. 781. 804. IO14, 1585. 1731. 1972. 2046 Barrell. D. C. !Col.I: LF 304. 328, 376,392,397. 448,497.635. 1080, 1117. 1243. 1333. 13i7. 1433. 1452. 1481. 1482, 1584. 1694. 1707. 1755, 1849. 18,0. 1882, 1902. 1903, 1904. 1927. 1964. 1979. 1999. 2004. 2028. 2043. 2048. 2059. 2064. 2065, 20,5. 2087. 2096. 2097. 2104, 2155, 2199. 2986; LT 161. 258. 355. 574, 599. 627. 1358. 1376. 1425. 1437. 1487. 1518. 1553. 1582, I650, 1656, 1672. 1690. 1693. 1757, 1809, 1810. 1815. 1910. 2117. 2253; M 51, 52, 92, 474, 494. 541. 576. 1434, 1526, 1899. 1907. 1924, 2045. 2126, 2136. 2345. 2475. 2769. 3812. 4364 (p. 248H), 4366 Ip. 383HI Barrett, T. C.: 3432 Barrell. Thomas: 3010 Bartleson, Mr.: 810 Bartlell, Jesse: 374. 392. 397 Barton: I 785
Bak£'r. D. Da\'is D.: 2050 Bak£'r. Frank Johnson: 285 Bak£'r. Frr<l<'rick: 3909
Bak£'r. Joseph: 682. 1888. 3829. 4126 Bakt>r. i\los,•lt>,·: LF 1-132. 1443. 2201. 2269." 2344. 2393. 2635. 2686: LT 2452. 2583. 2689. 2690: '.\1 161. 503. 5•11. 952. 1014. 10';'9. 1800. 2186. 2525. 2556. 2824. 3303. 404';'. 4064.4333. 4343 Bak<'r. N.: 254
Baker. W. C. W.: 2021 Balboa. Juan N.: 1161 Balderas. Pedro: 4317
Baldwin. Gen.: 1591 Baldwin. E. A.: 3440 Baldwin. Dr. John: 3748. 4251
Baldwin. Rohr.: 4054 Balemuela. Martin: 725 Ball. A. F.: 2510. 2530 Ballentine. R. W.: 1421
Ballow. Richard: 4366 Ip. 4211 Bellow's Ferry: 4366 Ip. 4211 Balou's Ferry: 4366 Ip. 4,41 Balson. Manuel: 33,3 Baltic, I SteamboatI: 3528 Baltimore, Md.: IO"i7. 1084, 1184, 1424. 1689. 1761. 1834. 2661. 2876. 2926, 3145. 3236. 3305. 3402, 3403. 3666, 36,4. 3686. 3742. 3818. 3823. 3889. 4060. 4112. 4148. 41,0. 4213. 4214, 4242. 4323 Bananeli. Juan: 4159 Bancroft: 1689 Bane. Col.: 4132 Bone. Griffin: 4365 Ip. 3061 Bangor. Maine: 1754, 3748. 4251 Banks, Thomas: 845. 8,2. 884 Bankehill. St. B.: 4054 Bannister. C. B.: 1514, 1697, 2765 Baradere: 28.'>3. 28';'8 Baragan. Capt.: 945,949,953. 964 Bnraneli. Juan: 28,9 Barbs, E. Y.: 4365 Ip. 3461 Barbary: 2215 Barbero, Estevan: 4317 Barbo, E.G.: 2287 Barcena. Jose: 3267 Barclay, William C.: 1475 Bardstown. Ky.: 1392. 3963, 4053 Bargana. Andrew: 2292. 2295 Bargas, lncarnacion: 3583
Barton, J. B.: 792 Barton, J. W.: 2287 Burton, Seth: 2986. 3000 Barton, Thomas: 2146 Bartu, William: 142 Bason, Juan: 3583 Basque: 3307 Basques, Juan Franciso: 4163
Bass. Thomas: 2438 Bast.LukeM.: 1782
Beeson, Eli1.abeth: 2(186 Bejar Gnards: 2021 Bt•jo: •l:H3 Belden: 1450. 3800 Belden, \V.: 180•l Belding: 4362 Ip. 1881 Bclclon. John: I S28. 1907 Bl.'11, Mr.: 66. 9-;7. I 086. •l333 Bell. J. H.: LF 376. 3ii, 392. 397. 765. 3592; LT 398; M 36. 297. 3-;5, (156. 1561 Bell, Josiah: 958 Bell. P. H.: •ll56 Bell. Samuel: 891 Bdl, 'll1omas B.: 2479. 2499. 2722 Bell. Verch·: 142 Bell. W. \V.: 1782 Bellfont. L. M.: 1469, 1475 Bellows, Gl.'orge S.: 2412 Bell's Landing: 1474. 2364, 2527. 3612 Belton, Maj.: 554 Belton. Francis S.: 661, 1104. 4364 (p. 2741 Benard: 4366 Ip. 5001 Benavidl.'s. Placido: M50. 2032. 2287, 4328. 4365 tp. 3461 Benge. Samuel: 2159 Bengham : 640 Bennet: 1393. 2040. 2089, 2287, 3522. 4222 Bennet. Coleb: 1329 Bennet. Thcodorl.': 1313. 1329, 1332 Benn ell: I 064. I 069. 1472. 2605, 2815. 2823. 2957.3128. 3190 Bennett. Joseph L.: 2306. 2542, 2702. 4365 Ip. 3521 Bennett. Joseph T.: 4365 (p. 3511 Bennett. Volentine: 827, 837. 1514, 190•1, 1907, 3128, 3364, 4365 Ip. 3451 Benton: 1421. 2979 Benton. Daniel: 3712, 3762 Benton. Jesse: 21•14, 4365 Ip. 306, 3491 Benton. T. M.: 2764 Bl.'nton. Teol: 3025 Beregnrdo: 2555 Bergora. Ansolma: 2292, 2295, 2303 Berlean: 2848 Bl.'rmonts, Robert: 3662 Bermuda: I •l IC, Bt•rmudl.'7.. Jose Moria: 1684. 1718 Brrnam. Jl.'ssee: 2160 Bernnrd Plantntion: 1986 Bernurd River: 66. 89. 314, 640,
Bastrop: IC, I. 305. 314. 323. 353. :H1l. •llJ5. 701. 738. 1682. 2037. 2083. 21O'I. 2 I";8. 22 1 l2. 2488. 2u06. 2u37. 2:55. 2872. 3070. 3428.3528. 4094 Bateman: I 5•l4 Bateman. Samuel: 2036 Baton Rouge. La.: :N73. 2u39. 41";5 Batres. Jose: 2158. 2177. 2234, 28•l8. 2879. •l3u5 tp. 3111 Batterson. Isaac: 779. 790. 803. 811. Nl8. 3621J Baugh. J. J.: 1514. 1609. 2076 Bautista. Jose: 4:H 7 Baxter. Montgomery: 2920 Baxter. Nat: 2920 Bay Prairie: 640. 704. 731. 825. 870. 890. 943. I 040. 1177. I •l33, 2701, 4343 Bayliss. Joseph: 1779 Baylor. J. \V.: 792. 1261, 1561 Beak a : C, 1 l3 Beal: 4294 Beal. John: 3425 Beale. Robt.: 1141, 1259, 1263 Beales. J no. Chas.: 98. 73 7 Beall. Robert Aug.: 1883 Bean. E. P.: LF 40. 112. 138. 182. 196. 262. 263.435. 449. 504,527, 609. 610; LT 84; M 809. 2740 Bear Creek: 4366 (p. 4591 Beasly. Wm. P.: 1516 Beason"s Crossing: LF li56, 2387. 2389, 2392, 2393, 2400, 2401, 2402, 2414, 2435; M 711. 795. 812.974. 2040. 2342. 2445, 2496, 2509, 2606, 2752, 4333. 4355 Beattie. Mr.: 4316 Beaty. George: 3809 Beaufort. Thomas Y.: 3235 Bavon: 2•l07. 21:1:>3 Be~ch, Clarke: 2998
Beaumont: 1366, 3588 Beaumont. Mr.: 2197 Beca: 747 Beck: 2146. 2213, 2228 Beck. Christian: 2228 Beckford. Joseph C. : 1643 Bedell. G. \V. E.: 3879
Bee. Mr.: I 002, 3640. 3937, 4267 Bee. Barnard E.: LF 4305. 4328; LT 4270. 4318; M 3225, 3351, 3485, 4102.4281. 4331,4332
Beebee, S. J.: 3561 Bcedi Creek: 2835 Beers. Joseph D.: 2887
3'152. 43<,2 tp. 205, 2081 Bernbt'Ck. William: 4197
Brrro. Francisco: I0lJ0 Brrra. Ignacio: 2879. 4159 Brm·. Radford: 182. b 12. 1545. I5.46. 2350 Brm·hill. Wm. M.: 1782 Brrt~am: 403 Brrtran. P,•tt>r: 2419 Bertrand. P.: 429. 512. 530, 4364 Ip. 2451. 4365 Ip. 3551 Brvil: 557. 1117. 4099. 4%4 Ip. 2571 Bl'vil. John: 3320. 4364 Ip. 246, 247. 283. 2851. 4366 Ip. 3831 Bl',·il"s Settlement: 650. 662. 745. 894. 952. 1002. 1075. 147i. 2511 Bextl'r: 2825 Biddle. Nicholas: 2661. 2662. 2663 Biddle. Thomas: 3651 Bifait. R. B.: 3700 Big Cow Creek: 3588 Big Mush: 472. 646. 664. 952. 2159 Big Prairie: 4366 tp. 4591 Bill: 3514 Billings. Charles: 498 Billingsley. Jesse: 2542. 2824. 2957. 3039. 3428 Biloxi Indians: 2159. 3544, 3923, 3934. 3935 Bincoss. A.: 2271 Bingham. Francis A.: 314. 512. 530. 649. 4364 Ip. 2451 Bingham, Mathias A.: 2159, 2892. 3531 Bingham. Mary• .Mrs.: 2892 Binurn. Wade M.: 657 Bird. Capt.: 568. 1064, 2690 Bird. John: 1443. 2287. 4365 Ip. 3451 Birdsall. E. B.: 2999 Bishop. Charles: 1761 Blache. Oct8\'e: 1428 Block. Mr.: 945. 963, 3825, 3884. 4365 (p. 3441 Black. Capt.: 2645. 3003, 3244. 3913. 4333. 4365 Ip. 3241 Block. Wm.: 1121 Blackfeet: 3846 Blackford. W. M.: 2251. 2327 Brsanron. L. A.: 35 7 5 Brtoncou.rt. Mr.: 3350 Bruscs: 3628 Brvit>. I.: 2287. 4365 Ip. 3461
Blakr. T. M.: :<>2 Blnkrh·. L<-muel: 2824 Blnncl;e, Martin: 1178. I20i Blanco. Victor: 75. 162 Bland. de: 2835 Blnncl. J. B.: 3668. 36:0. 3706. 3835 Blandin.:\. D. Antonio: 2149 Blanquea. Rubico: 3134 Blanton: 2119 Bledsol'. ]l'sse: 1451 Bierly. Capt.: 4333 Blood. Harris: 1475 Bloodgood: 2944 Bloomfield. Ky. : 3654 Blossman. G.: 3813 Blount: 2262 Blount. I. H.: 1810 Blount. James H.: 3499 Blount, John H.: 4364 Ip. 2461 Blount, Stephm W.: 2031. 2226, 2347.2511,43651p.290.306.347. 349. 3671 Blount. Wm. L.: 3131 Blount. Wm. S.: 2287. 4365 (p. 3461 Blount Springs: 3788 Blue. Uriah: 3662 Blue Sulphur Springs: 3812 Blunt: 4046 Blunt. James H.: 2287. 4365 (p. 3451 Blunt. Wm.: 1514, 1756 Bod ark: I 739 Bodine. John: 87. 132 Blasl'bv. Wm.: 1514 Blazl'b;•. Wm.: 2021 Bledsol'. I.: 1868. 3 7 I 4 Bledsol'. J.: 3278 Bodman: 3985, 3995. 4085 Bodman. Austin R.: 4328 Batres. Jose: 4159 . Bogart. W.: 845. 872 Boin. Capt.: 2899 Bolivar: 1462. 2407, 2682, 3244, 3796 Boling Green. Ky.: 649 Bomar, W. M.: 2542 Bond. H.: 3697 Bonham. James B.: LF 1355. 1670; LT 999; M 1356. I 756. 1925. 2234. 2235, 4338, 4354, ' 4365 Ip. 311. 3121 Bonilla. Manuel: 482. 732 Bonis. Peter E.: 2035 Bonman. John: 4365 (p. 3451 Bonnell, J.: LF 1653. 1654, 2804, 2807. 2975. 3279. 3307, 341~ 3445. 3,:rn. 392:J; LT 3737; M 1337. li56. 228i. 2952. 3638. 3759.3826. 3955.4366 (p. 3851
Blackmar, S.: 3432. 3832 Blackwell. Thomas: 1692 Bloikie. George D.: 3813 Blair. Capt.: 2177, 3673 Blair. J. C.: 4333 Blair. Francis P.: 3966 Blair. John: 1186 Blair. Sumi. C.: 2021
Boon. Dnnirl: :r; 12 Burden: ll:\2. 938. 976. 984. 1166, UI I. 1454. 1 1 172. 1823, 1967. 326~ 3460. 3829. 4193 Bordl'n. Gail: LF I 2. 7Ti. 779. 790. 802. 803. 811. 823. 960. 1058. I08Q. 241 I. 2412. 241,. 2461. 2752. 3924. 3999. 402~ 4167. 1 1189: M 619. 812. 938. 10<,0. 1322. I821. 19,3. :158(1~42:19 Bordl'n. Mrs. Gail: 4364 Ip. 2511 Borchm. John P.: 587. ,05. ,92. 1261. 2287. 2957. 4365 (~ 3461 Bordm. Thomas H.: LF 1840. 4167. 4193. 4208: LT 4090; M 1823. 4208. 42:19 Borrego. Mnrcial: 99. IO I. 111. 115. 125. 14, Bost. Alonzo: 3583 Bostick. Janll's H.: 2753 Boston. Mass.: I 084, 2095, 2122, 2h33. 2b61. 3,42 Bourmont: 2998 Bowen. Col.: 2645. 1 1333 Bowen. John: 1561 Bowen, Robert: I «9 Bowen. S.: 23,15 Bower. John \V.: 2226 Bowers. Mr. :4365 Ip. 308, 309, 349, 36,1 Bowers. Col.: 2182 Bowers. John \V.: 4365 (p. 319. 3641 Bowie. James: LF 283. 472. 791. 945. 953. 963. 964. 988. 1036, 1059, I 065. 110 I. I 989. 2021, 2094, 2156. 2161 : LT 454. 942. 959. 988, 1035. 10.'>6. 1062. 1063. 1101. 1510. 2158: M 290. 332. 610. 941, 1004. 100,. 1035, 1066. 1067. 1069. 1119. 1171, 1280. 1308. 1309. 1515, 1534. 1613, 1621, 1680. 173S. 174•1, 17.55, 1813. 188,. 1896. 1925. 1955, 2066. 2076. 2084. 2173. 2211, 2258, 22,1. 2291. 2295. 2302. 2303. 2314. 2326. 2331. 2501. 2864, 3058. 4333. 4-337, 4354. 4362 (p. 178. 179. 1811. 4364 (p. 2501 Bowie. Rezin: 2664. 2671, 2672, 2912. 2926 Bowker, Daniel: 1444. 2463 Bowke~ E.: 1444. 2462 Bowles. Chief: LF 646; LT 66•1. 20 I,. 2738: M '16. 48. 472. %2. 2159, 2262. 2623. 2703. 2726. 2807. 2923. 2952. 2979. 3493. 38:17. 3874. 39:!5. 3944. 4163. ,1216
Bnwn11111: :1:1<,. I 6:M Bowmnn. James II.: 180,. 2<J83 Bowman. John: 132'>. 1561. 2287 Bowman. Joseph: 1561 Box: 4 J.'i2. 4:13:1 Bo\'Cf'. Janws: 2046 Bo~·ce. H. H.: 1971 Bo~·cl'. llohrrt: <i<,6. 1508. 1606 Bo~rl. Janws: 3020 Bo~·ee, Hobert II.: 1971 Bo~er. Henry: 2665. 2766 Bo~·cr. Leon: 1428 Bo)·lnn. James: 3489. 3807, 4139. 4154. 4161. 4234. 1 1249. •1275 Bo,·le: 4332 Bo~·le. Dani. 0.: 1968 Bo~·le. J. N.: 2840 Bo)'S, Allnn St. C.: 1591 Brabo: 2917 Bracken: 925. 973. 994. 1203 Bracken. William: 1166. 4365 lp. 3461 Brackenridge. H. M.: 3838 Brackl'r. \Vm.: 2287 Brackin: 1011 Bradburn. Junn Dnvis: 66.628.3157. 3528. 373 I. 3673 Bradburn. \V. P.: 3649 Braddy. Cnpt.: 3025 Braclford: 2175. 2779. 2816, 3245 Brndforcl. A. B.: 3558 Brnclforcl. B. F.: 2210 Braclford. Doniel: 2810 Bradford. Robert: 254•1 Bradley. Capt.: 1274. 1308. 1472 Brodie\', B. B.: li82 Brodie~·. John M.: I033. 1105. 2224 Bradle~. 'lnomns \V.: 244 Brndlv·: 738 Br11Clihnw. Jomes: 513. 3321. 4111 Branch. Edward: 2681 Brandel. John M.: 2027. 2925 Brnsoil. lgnocio: 28,9 Brnsev. \V.: 1306 Brashear. \V. P.: 3890. 4330 Brovo. Nicolas: 845. 857. I007. I I5 I. 2925. 3224. 3381. 3609. 4081. 4140. 4141. 4178. 4236. 4268. 4287.4302.4363 (~ 2351 Brnvo. ISchooncrl: 560. 1447. 1473. 14<J4. 1508. 1509. 1627. 1642. 1643. 167CJ. 1937. 1971. 21-19. 24i8. 2652. 3'i31. 3748. -1251. •1366 Ip. 4611 Brnv. Jas. \\'.: 412,1 Bra;orin: LF ·198. 50 I. 509. S85. 3Cl7. h0:i. 638. 658. 743. 763. 7 1 19. 800, 94,. 91H. 1 187. 1480. 1498. 20-11.
•)""' _,
2138. 213lJ. 2244. 23-15. 2433. 2-134. 24-15. 2-IHlJ. 2527. 282(), :~332. 3-15 7. :I-IIJ5. 35:llJ. 3h43. :I71l-1. 3913. 4052. 4166. 423(): LT 3h. 126. 254. b95. ll22. 121 O. I b5 7. I 7h6. 1925. 2198. 2397. 2,129. :!830. 290 I. 33() I. 3'I I 7. 3•120. 3542. 3576. 3910. 3921!. 3999. -101-1. -1156: M 2. 13. 18. 24. 37. 59. b2. 70. 110. 113. 141. 148. 283, 2%. 314. 360. 361. 470. 479. 481. -190. 510. 511. 619. 643. 656. 657. 686. 704. 74~743. 74~ 895, 93,. 977.1019. 1028. 1044. 1060. 1078. 1099. 1118. 1166. 1275. 1314, 1332. 1368. 1379. 1399. 1421. 1423. 1433. 1-143. 1474. 1486. 1589. 1606. 1634. 1648. 1823. 1853. 1920. 1938. I97 I. I994. 2049. 205,. 2073. 2082. 2155. 2212. 2276. 2321. 240,. 2409, 2438. 2445. 2460. 2490. 25,5. 2590. 2655. 265,. 2674. 2676. 2677. 2696. 2700. 2709. 2724. 2749-52. 2762. 2806. 2817. 2829. 2874. 2900. 2918. 2949. 3028. 3047. 3080. 3106. 3254. 3255. 3296. 3531. 3594. 3609. 3636. 3658. 3686. 3748. 3777. 3783. 3913. 4047. 4052. 4126. 4239. 4251. 4345, 4362 Ip. 169. 2091. 4364 Ip. 251. 252. 259. 262. 2731. 4365 Ip. 290. 303. 304. 333. 334. 344.3551. 4366 lp.448.4881 Brazos River: [numerous throughout) Braros Santiago: 1083. 1141, 1300. 1458. 1570. 1627. 1642. 1643. 1926. 2020. 2133. 2613, 2659. 3040, 3218. 3408. 373 I. 3i 35. 3758. 38i7. 3978. 4154, 420i, 4280. 4359 Breece, Thomas H.: 1574 Breedlove. James W.: 1314, 1761, 3,32. 4071. 4290. 4294 Breese, Capt.: 4333 Breeze, Thomas H.: 1450. 1514 Brenan. Thomas H.: 1299, 3280. 3688 Brewster: 2588. 4271, 4332 Brewster. H. I'.: 23,,1, 3009. 4295 Brion. Capt. : 2746 Brice. Capt.: 3259 Bridges, Thomas: 3265, 36.3,. 3393, 3755. 3834. 4124 Brien. Capt.: 255<,. 25.';8. 4333 Brigham: 6.';0, 1994, 2900, 2•134. 2454. 2949
Brigham. Asa: LF 62. 314. 3.'>9. 362. 375. 398. •15ll, 6.;b. 1313. 1332. 3621. 4318: LT 378. NQ0. 3951 : M 2226. 234,. 342 l. :\<,60, 4112. 42hl. 4332.43b51~304.347.349. 355, 363. 364. 3b71 Brigham. Benjamin: 62. 41J8. 2824 Brigham. Sanmel B.: 62. U71. 1389. 1-160. 1508. 19, I. 2433. 4008. 4:128 Brigham. William M.: 1428 Brigs, E. Henry: 43, Bringas, Juan N.: 2721. 2848, 28i9. 3628. 4055. 4159 Brinkle,•. M.: 3140 Briones: Felipe: 287<). 3628. 4159 Briscoe: 519. 905, 1069. 1102. 1214, 2,35 Briscoe. A.: LF 244, 1699. 2501. 3100: LT 564. 2353. 3121: M 152. 296. 345. 356. 461. 2226. 228i. 2347. 4268. 4328. 4365 Ip. 345. 348-50. 364. 3661 Brister. N. R.: 1388, 1450. 1514, 1697. 2146 Britham. A.: 4150 Britton. Edward: 1689. 4167 Brock. John: 287. 1371 Brodnax. Dr.: 22i4 Brogeman: 641 Brok: 3244 Bromlev: 3209, 3244 Bronso~. H. W.: 4124. •1306 Brookfield. Wm.: 1423 Brooks. Capt.: 4291 Brooks, A. H.: 3532. 4291 Brooks. D. B.: l 82i Brooks. John S.: 1591. 1625. 1850. 214~ 2170. 2lil. 2218. 223~ 22i7. 2285. 3532. 3888 Brooks. Mary Ann : 1725, 2170, 21i I, 2218 Brooks. N.C.: 3282. 3888. 4291 Brooks. Zachariah S.: 2893 Brotherton, Robert: 4366 Ip. 5011 Brown. Mr.: 2668. 3528 Brown. Capt.: I717, 1848. 1868. 2009. 2495. 2628. 2651. 2682. 2854. 2902. 2945, 3010, 3013. 3045. 3119. 3202, 3212. 3237. 3420. 3543, 3632. 3634, 3,14. 3,26. 3755. 4242. 4264. 4291 Brown. Austin: 2244 Brown. Elexancler: 410 Brown.J.: 205,498,560.3214, 3237, 3253
Brown. Jamc>s: :!44. 287 Brown. Jerrmiah: 1745. 18 1 18. 1926. 1928. 2249. 2251/. 2613. 2659. 2666. 2723. 3472. 3563. 3700. 31/26. 31/42. 3978. 4124. 4230. 4306. 4320. 4332.4365 (p.3571 Brown. Robert: 2 I 7 7 Brown. Rubin: 2274 Brown. W. S.: 2995 Brown. Willium: :I700 Brown. Wm. S.: 1561. 1627. 1926. 1928 Brown. John: 2007 Brown. O.T.: 1782 Brown. R.: 40:16 Bnatus.(Schoonerl: 1595.1622.1631, 1761. 1780. 1871. 1872. 1879, 1905. 1935. 2005. 2009. 20 I0, 2098. 2112. 2175. 2180. 2216, 22,19. 2270. 2617-19, 2628, 2658, 2774. 2896, 2902, 2925, 2945, 30IO. 310 I, 3 I06. 3107. 3212. 3214. 3233. 3237. 3253, 3298, 3522. 3553. 363~ 3755, 398& 4121, 4124, 4175. 4188. 4191. 4221, 1 1224. 4316. 4320, 4332, 4365 (p. 3471 Brvan: 769. 832. 1053. 1995, 2131, 2945. 3008. 3031, 3050, 3077, 3236. 3238, 3250. 326~ 3271, 3339. 3409. 3461. 3818. 3951. 4060. 4112. 4261.4332 Bryan. Auslin: 3639 Bryan. Guy M.: 668 Bryan. Joseph: 345, 823. 861. 906. 965.969, 1052, 3300 Brvan. M. A.: 160, 568. 982, 1007, i231. 1339. 1454. 2087 Brvan. Prior: 1559. 2287, 4365 ip. 3451 Brvan, William: LF 728. 1761. 1828, i851 , 1935, 1965, 1990, 2005. 2027, 2098. 2180. 2270. 2278, 2335. 2463, 2493. 2594. 2636. 2894. 2902. 2925, 2986. 3000, 3045. 3092. 3101. 3119, 3202, 3298. 3299, 3318. 3446. 3,147, 3458. 3471. 3552. 3553. 3560. 3580. 36:1:1. 36:M. 3776; LT 1879. 1969. 2025. 2079. 2228. 2491. 2568. 2683. 2851. 3126, 3127. Brown. \Vm. T.: 2165 Browning. G. W.: 3135 Bruce. D. G.: 3256 Bruce, David Y.: 1478 Bruce, Rufus L. : 62 Brulf, Christoplwr: 1782 Brush, E.: 1561
3175. 3198. 327~ 3402, 3432. 3M I : M 5,1,5. 872. 884. 1774. I 7t1:I. I 808. 1821. 1848, 186.5. I 868. 11/0 I. I 1J:IH, 2299, 2310. 2318. 2447. 2448. 2490. 2492. 2 1 194. 259 1), 2(,17-19. 2630. 2641. 3187. 321'>. :1436. 3460. 3476. 3714. 3782. 3808. 3879. 4010. 4085. 4332 Brvnnt: 2583, 281(1, :1245. 3844, 4006 Bn·unt. Benjnmin: 3975 Br~·anl. Edwin : 28 IO. 3291 Br~ne. G.: 1868 Br;•om. J. S. D.: 1 1 133. 1443. 1994 Buclrnnan: :1493. 4332 Buchanan. John: 1679 Buck: 4330 Buckeye Rangers: 4105. 4329 Buckley: 716 Buckner's Creek: 4366 (p. 5001 Bulfalo Bnvou: 33,. 1 161. 2396, 2407, 2,109. 2°523. 2666. 2846. 2852. 2871. 2923. 2932. 2949. 2974, 3017. 3028. 3058. 3093. 3113. 3167. 3281. 336,. 3385. 3422. 3528. 3606. 3627, 3629. 3816. 3986. 3995. 4157. 4183. 4200. 4230. 4325. 4366 Ip. 4881 Buford. Tho~. Y.: 3665 Bularcl: 1922 Bulcn. M. V.: 1247 Bulli1t, A. C.: 4330 Bullill, Cu1hbcrt: 3185. 3231. 3246 Bullock. Monroe: 1141 Bullock, Urich J.: 1141. 1706. 1601 Bunan. 'D1omas \V. : 244 Buntin. J. W.: 323-25. 349. 441. 448, 477. 59,1_ 627. 2226. 2347. 3431. 3712,4365 Ip. 290,291.300. 305. 306. 324. 344.347.349. 36~ 3661 Burch: 3890
Burch, Gernrd: 2274 Burch. W. M.: 3422 Burdell: <ll 20, 4333 Burdell. Henry: 3952 Burgin. Abner: 1038
Burgoa. Jose( I090 Burham. Jesse: 1117 Burk: 2040. 2926, 1 1365 (p. 3131 Burke: 1329. 161<>. 1807, 21'73. 4360 Burke. David N.: 1343. 1344, 1609.
1697. 221~ 2474. 4333 Burkham. Chnrles: 2877 Burll'son: 1135. 1180, 1784
Burl,•son, Edward: LF 1112. 1157. 1308. 13'>0, l•M5. l•l•Vi, 1472. 1852. 2344. 2815, 2985. 3770: LT
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