dispatched supplies from there, We are aware of the present necessities, but wc can assure you money is not lo be had at this moment. Our City paper undoubted, is selling out doors @ l ½ pr. mo, The Independence leaves this eveing-We have supplied her for a cruize of six or Eight weeks- Agreeably to your instructions we have issued Lo Col L. P. Cook, nineteen certificates of Scrip 640 acres ea, a proportion of which he is to deliver & transfer over to Maj Wigginton. We have also delivered ovt:r the Col W. P. J\•liller, Ten certificates scrip 640 acres ea, agreeably also to you instructions, for the purposes as contained in you 21 ulto.-and should he require the 4000 more, we shall hand it over to him. We have paid Mr Beattie Fifty Dollars on a/c, agreeably to your instructions under date 4 Inst. and he is of opinion that the shells can be made much cheaper in the West, but has not concluded, whether he will make them here or not. Our only chance for funds at this time, is in the East and we are anxiously looking for advices from them The Brutus was to have sailed about 1 Inst. Your letter addressed lo Capt Hurd we forwarded to him. We shall hear from Col Huston tomorrow, and we are satisfied he will be able to do something in Mobile. As Mr Williams or agents then wrote us that about $20 to 30,000$ could be raised in paper then wrote be taken in payment of Goods.-This will be a temporary supply. We shall use our utmost exertions for a further one, or to complete the requistion of Col Huston. You may rest assured we shall do all in our power. An arrival from Matamoras yesterday represents the Troops in a deplorable situation-no money or provisions, in fact they are afraid to send money there for fear the soldiers will take possession of it-There is little or nothing going from here, for that quarter-We shall forward next week about one hundred Volunteers principally from Kentucky, nearly all equipped and who have en}jsted lo serve during the War. By the Kosciousko sailed a few days since we forwarded 20 Bbls. Bread. Flour is now selling @ $10-and all kinds of produce are very high-
wc are Very Respectfully your obt Servt Thomas Toby & Bro.
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