Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

[4314) [MCNAJR to PERRY]

[A. R. McNair, New Orleans, to James F. Perry, San Felipe, October 15, 1836, introducing Mr. Stiff, "who visits your Country, as a volunteer in defence of your wrights," an staling: "I am told that there is one gentleman here, who has 1000 Rifles, intended to be given to Volunteers and sent to Texas."] [4315) [SWARTWOUT Lo HOUSTON] [Samuel Swartwout, New York, to Sam Houston, October 15, 1836, congratulating him on becoming President and advising him to use the public domain to "reimburse the friends of Texas for the advances they have made here and elsewhere...."] [4316) [TOBY to BURNET]

New Orleans 15 October 1836

To His Excellency David G. Burnett President of the Republic of Texas Sir

We are in receipt of your several favors 19, 21, 22 ullo.- The 19 Bonds enclosed in yours 22 ulto we are in possession of, It is impossible to do any thing with them at this moment, even if 20 per cent annum Int. was allowed. Money is not to be had except at enormous rates of Interest, and we are at a loss, how lo proceed to raise funds-We are certain that a month hence money matters will wear a different aspect there, as the Banks have concluded to import and it has been ordered I½ to 2000,000$ in specie -Col Houston remained several days & finding nothing could be done, has proceeded to Mobile-We wrote our friends there and stated to them the necessity of immediate supplies, & to caU on the friends of the cause for aid and we believe that from $20 to $30,000 can be raised in Good paper, which can be used either here or there, in supplies of Clothing & provisions-We are expecting daily to hear from our agent in N. Y. Mr James Treat, of his having affected sales scrip &


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