Much is due the soldiers on account of Clothing not furnished & Back Rations & I having no returns from which lo pay these claims I beg leave lo refer them for your consideration. It is with regret that I am compelled lo state that no funds are in possession of this department & that we arc compelled to issue certificates for pay instead-for surely if there is a claim sacred, it is that of money say one third of the amount due, at the disposition of the department, soldiers would not so often be obliged lo sell their hardly earned claims, for a little food & clothing- The amount of certificates for pay issued from my Office is S30.-744.43/100 The amount of Certificates for Bounty land to men discharged is 102.500 acres All which is respectfuUy submitted Geo. W. Poe Aeling Pay Master General [4309) [SANTA ANNA to BURNET)
Ecsmo. Sor.
Dirijo a manos de V.E. el adjunto documente en Tejas 48 y en ldioma Castellano, Unico que posso, para que a la breveclad posible, se sirva passrlo al Honorable Congreso. Segun V.E. vera, contiene una sencilia relacion de los hechos ocurridos desde S. Jacinto: deshase algunas equivocasiones, que han dado preteste a los ecsaltados pa. desear mal ami persona, y principalmente se contras a pedir el complimiento del convenio de 14 de Mayo fechado en Velasco, por V .E. y su Cavinete, conmigo. Todo se apeya en verdad y justicia; pero a V.E. Corresponde demostrar las razones de honor y conveniencia que obligan a hacer ofectivo el unico articulo quc me favorese en dhe. convenio celebrado con tan hucna fe, y cumplido en una csencial parte le que a mi loca. Reproduseo a V.E. Con este motivo las consideraciones de mi aprecio. · Dios y Libertad. Orasimba, OctuLre 12 de 1836
Anto. Lopez de Santa Anna
Al S. Ex. el Presidente Dn. David G. Burnet
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