Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

exceeding that contracted for in the loan, and as the prospects of our country are more flattering now than they were when that price was fixed. Neither did the Commissioners advise that it should be confirmed. The Government ad interim in the exercise of the plenary powers vested in it addressed a letter lo James Treat and A. P. Ufford Esquires (a copy of which is presented marked C) signifying the acceptance of the 6th article of the loan and that the ten thousand dollars advanced would be reimbursed with 8 per cent interest &c. Should any more minute information be desired, it will be promptly furnished as each of the Commissioners are present. Courtesy to the gentlemen who have loaned us their money would suggest the propriety of an early decision on the part of this Government. A confirmation of the act of ratification by the Government ad interim would probably be gratifying lo them. David G. Burnet [4308) [POE Lo BURNET]

Pay Department Columbia 12 Oct 1836

To His Excellency David G. Burnett. Sir

In Conformity with the instructions received from you of this date I have the honor to report to your Excellency that this Department is but lately organized & that it was necessary to create a system by which the interests of the Government would attended to, with justice lo the Officers & soldiers of the Army. My first object was to organize the Department in same manner as that of the United States & for that purpose endeavored lo procure Muster Rolls from every Corps in the Army in order that they might be paid off at the periods prescribed by law-but hitherto my efforts in this point have been unsuccessful-By having these returns regularly made & forwarded to the department; soldiers when discharged can be paid either in the Army or at the scat of Government, & no fraud can be practiced- Your attention is also called to the Volunteer Cavalry for while in the service of the United Stales Militia, serving as Cavalry, & furnishing their own horses & arms are entitled to 15$ per month-our Cavalry performing the same duty & at the expense of their own horses & arms receive only 8$ per month-& have not drawn any forage either in money or in Kind-



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