Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

[4306) [BURNET to HOUSE]

Executive Department Columbia 12 Oct 1836

To the honble. The House of Representatives Gentlemen

In compliance with a resolution of the 10th instant requesting a statement "of the exact amount of scrip which has been issued and authorized to be sold in Texas or elsewhere; in whose hands such land script has been placed and for what particular purpose and how much thereof has been sold; together with the accompaning documents relative to said transaction." I have the honor to transmit to you the subjoined statements and the papers hereto annexed. The agency for the disposition of scrip for land has been confided to Thomas Toby Esquire a citizen of New Orleans, by a Power of Attorney bearing date the 10th June AD 1836., and the general agency for purchasing supplies &c has been conferred upon the firm of Thomas Toby & brother. The whole amount of land scrip which has been issued in the United States, on account of this Government is here extracted from a letter of Thomas Toby to the Executive dated at r;ew Orleans 1st September 1836, and is as follows: 15 certificates in the name of Sarni St John Jr., 640 acres each 2 certificates in the name of Stewart Perry 1280 Acres 2 certificates in the name of Samuel St John Jr. 9600 Acres I certificates in the name of H. W. Bronson 640 Acres 20 certificates in the name of Sam. St. John Jr., 12800 Acres 30 certificates in the name of Sam. St. John Jr. 19,200 Acres 1 cerfiticates in the name of B. B. Dickenson 640 Acres· 2 certificates in the name of W. Walker 1280 Acres 2 certificates in the name of Hyde & Goodrich at 640 acresl ,280 Acres 10 certificates in the name of Geo. G. Alfred at 640 acres6400 Acres 15 certificates in the name of Sam. WiUiams at 640 acres9,600 Acres 475 certificates in the name of Sam. M. WiUiams al 640 acres304,000 Acres IO certificates in the name of James Hanse at 640 acres6,400 Acres 585 Total amount of scrip sold being for 372,120 acres The amount of the above script that has been actually sold I am not informed of-


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