Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

general que corre impresa he visto una comunicacion <le V. fecha 30 de l\'layo en que dice haberse vuelto por orden mia que recibio al efeclo, y como esto sea una equivocacion que pue<len comprobar varias personas, y entre otras el coronel D. Francisco Garay que me hablo en favor de V., espero se sirva decirme en conlestacion, si es cierto, o no, que V. me hizo ese pedido para con eUa poder obrar segun me convenga. - Dios y libertad. l\'latamoros Octobre 10 de 1836. - Jose Urrea. - Al teniente coronet de ingenieros D. Luis Tola. [4299] [BURNET to CONGRESS]

Executive Department Columbia 11th Oct. 1836

To the Honble The Senate and House of Representateves. Gentlemen I have the honor to transmit transcripts of letters and authorities furnished to Col James Morgan, and also those furnished to Major Robert E. Handy, for the information and consequent action of Congress. The great necessity of supplying the army and increasing its numerical strength constrained the Government ad interim to bring into requisition every available means within its circumscribed ability to employ. Should the Congress deem it advisable to prosecute the efforts now being made, some confirmatory act on their part would give efficiency to the authority conferred on the agents and would render important facilities to their operations. The recent intelligence from the Army indicates a great want of winter clothing &c. The Commanding General writes that within ten or fifteen days of this time, they will be without bread stuffs in camp. This condition of our gallant troops will exhibit to our national councils in the most forcible terms, the necessity of an early attention to their wants. I have also the honor to exhibit to you the documents furnished to the Quarter, Master General on his late visit to New Orleans together with the correlative communication to the agents there. All of which is respectfully submitted. David G. Burnet


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