[4297) [REDD to LAMAR]
New Orleans Oct. 10th. 1836
Major Genl Lamar Sir
Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance Major Stwart Perry of this city whose acquaintance and friendship I have claimed from some time Major Perry has been one of the most ardent friends of Texas has supported its cause by sending munitions of war by advocating it in public print and for which he has suffered more than perhapse - any other man He sailed for Texas in the spring of 1834 with emigrant from England and Ireland with one years provision and all implements of husbandry for the purpose of establishing a colony. he met with an acedent in the Gulph of Mexico and returned to this City where he has since remained immutably a friend to Texas
I am Sir your &c. Wm. D. Redd
[Addressed:] Major Genl. M. B. Lamar
Attention of Major Perry [Note in pencil:] Army arrived at Grosses about 2
Started from the Colorado 26 March, below Brasous Tusketa Crossing place arrived at San Filon 27 March - at Grosses 31 - left Gross 13 April [4298) [URREA to TOLA] Ejercito de operaciones. - Cuando V. me encontro en San Patricio en Mayo <lei presente ano me mandesto deseos de regresarse y de que lo hiciera igualmente el teniente D. Juan Ordones, en razon de que el ejercilo venia en retira<la y supo la comunicacion que con este ohjeto <liriji al Ecsmo. Sr. general D. Vicente Filisola, manifeslandole que en caso de no aprobarlo seguizia V. adelante. Leyendo hoy la representacion de esle
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