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orden del gefc que cubrio la retaguardia aquel dia. - Sensible me es y muy duro vcnne en la presicion de hacer uso de la pluma para tocar unos puntos que manifiestan la clivergencia que reina entre mis companeros los Sres. generates del ejercito de Tejas, pero amigo de la justicia y de la verclad, tributare a eslas en todas epocas el homenaje que se merecen con el caracter imparcial de que me precio haber dado repeticlas pruebas. - Y tengo el honor de reiterar a V. E. las prolestas de mi aprecio y consicleracion. - Dios y libertad, cuarld general en Matamores 4 de Octubre de 1836. - Adrian Woll. - Ecsmo. Sr. general D. Jose Urrea. (4286) (BURNET to TOBY] Executive Department Columbia 5 Octo 1836 To Messrs T. Toby & Brother Genln. Capt. A. P. Walden of this service goes to New Orleans for the purpose of procuring some supplies for a detachment of the Army stationed on the Northern frontier. Captain Walden will require about 40 patent breached Yagers 30 Rifles good 150 brace horseman's pistols, good 150 Swords, cavalry and some ammunition. The powder should be of a very good rifle quality. The lead in small bars is more convenient than in large masses for the peculiar service in which Capt. W. is engaged. Some Clothing, blanket &c will also be wanted. You will be pleased to furnish Capt Walden with as little delay as possible, as his return is very important to the protection of our frontier from Indian depredations. Your Obt Servant David G Burnet P.S. Capt Walden will require assistance in procuring a conveyance for himself, perhaps some recruits, his supplies &c to Natchitoches. You will please aid him in this respect.
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