Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

[4283] [PERRINE to ELLIS]

Consulate of the United Stales of America, Campeachy, October 4, 1836. Sir: I transmit to you copies of lwo official letters to the gefe politico of this city, to neither of which have I yet received any written reply; not has either the American seaman been delivered, or his protection been returned to me. The gefe politico professes to be as friendly and grateful to me as any Mexican can be to an American. He has verbally told me several times that he was doing all in his power to obtain said American seaman, by writing to the commander, and by even visiting the squadron; that the officers had falsely assured him that the sailor had been sent ashore; and tha( he was only waiting for his arrival lo return said sailor and protection to me, with an official reply to my communication. As, however, I know these people loo well to believe that said sailor will be released, and as I am informed that several other American seamen are also impressed into the Mexican service to fight the Texans, I write this communication with the hope that you will obtain an order from the Mexican Government to have all such Americans set at liberty, to prohibit any further impressment of our sailors, and to punish all their guilty oppressors, past, present, and future. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry Perrine. Hon. P. Ellis, American Minister in Mexico. [4284] [TRIPLETT to CHRISTY]

Yellow Banks 4th Oct 1836

Mr Wm Christie Dear Sir

I have intended sooner writing in answer to your letter informing me of your intended visit to Texas-But have been waiting the departure of a gentleman who would probably accompany you to be the bearer. I have been in perfect despair in regard to Texas, since the receipt of the communication from the later government relative to our


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