Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Partial Errata

#141 "; He-acling should read [LINN to COUNCIL) # l4b6 " brither·· should be "brother.. in greeting #1595 Date should be "Deer.. not " Der" #1-; 1-; line 32 "Papery" should be "Popery.. and "bol" should be "vol'" #18(>9 "F. F. Austin" should be "S. F. Austin" #191 '!. "Thronton.. should be "Thornton.. #1939 is the same as #1940 #'!.18'!. The date should be Februarv 29 #'!.'!.'!.6 A more complete version is in Lamar Papers. I. 343-44 #'!.863 The last three lines are from another letter #3'!.88 "condunt"" should be "conduct·· #3633 This letter is out of place

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