Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9


8th. Resolved, 'l'hat the President, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of his cabinet, shall have the ap- pointment of all officers, civil, military and naval, for, and during, the existence of the Government "ad interim." 9th. Resolved, That the Government aforesaid, shall be in- vested, and they are hereby, vested with full powers to create a loan, not to exceed one million of dollars; and to pledge the fait.h and credit of the Republic, and the proceeds of the sale of the public lands, for the repayment of the same, with the interest thereon. 10th. Resolved, That the President and his cabinet shall have full power to appropriate the funds of Texas, to the defence of the country, by raising and supporting the army and navy, making fortifications, &c. 11th. Resolved, That said officers hold their offices until their successors are chosen and qualified. 12th. Resolved, That the President, by and with the advice and consent of his cabinet, shall have power to issue writs of election for senators and representatives, at an earlier day than that fixed by the constitution, and convene them as soon after the election, as may be convenient. 13th. Resolved, That said Government have ample and plenary powers to enter into negotiations and treaties with foreign powers. 14th. Resolved, That the President and his cabinet have power to appoint commissioners t~ any foreign power: The foregoing fourteen resolut10ns were adopted m con- vention of the people of Texas, assembled at the town of \Vashington, on the lGth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.

RICHARD ELLIS, President of the Convention.


Attest, H. S. KIMBLE,



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