.EXECu'l'lVB OHDlX..:\XV.E.
WHEREAS, we, the people of 'l'exas, through our delegates in Ge~crtll. Co1;1vention assem~l~d, for the purpose of framing a Uon~t1tui10n, aud orgaumng a Uovernment under that Constitution, free, sovereign and independent· and finding . l ' ' from t 1e extreme emergency of the case, and our critical situation, that it is a duty we owe to our fellow-citizens and mu-selves, to look upon our present danger with a calmness unruffled, and a determination unsubdued; and at the same time, to pursue a prompt aud energetic course for the sup- port of our liberty and protection of our property and lives; therefore, 1st. nesolved, That we deem it of vital importance to forth- with, form, organize and establish a Government, "ad i11leri11t," for the protection of Texas, which will ha\"C full, ample and 11lenury powers to do all and every thing wh:ch is co11 ternplated to l,e done by the General Congress of the peo- ple, under the powers granted to them by the constitution, saving and excepting all legislative and judicial acts. 2nd. Res11fred, 'I'hat said Government shall consist of a chief executive officer, to be styled the ''President of the Re-- puhlic of 'fexns;" a Vice-President, Secretary of State, Sec- retary at War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treas- ury, and Attorney General, whose salaries shall be fixed and determined by the first Congress of the Republic. 3rd. Resol'lled, That all questions touching the powers hereby confided to these officers, shall be decided by a ma- jority of said officers. .. . 4th. Resol,,ed. That the Prcrnleut be elected by th.is con- vention: and that the cnndidate or individual having a ma- jority of the whole number of votes given in, shall be, and is . hereby, declared to be duly elected. . . 5th. Resofred, That the Vice-President, the _aforesaid ~ec- retaries and Attorney General, be elected by this ConYenbon, a majority of the whole number of votes being requisite to a ch1Jice. 6th. Resolved, That the members of this body vote for the above named officers "viva voce." 7th. Resolved. That the officers so elected, be required to take the oath prescribed by the Constitution.
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