Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

SEC. 2. Be it further ordained, &c., That it shall be the duty of the Marshal so appointed, to execute all process from the General Council incident to the Sergeant-at-Arms, accord- ing to the usages of the parliament of England, or of the Con- gress of the United States of the North; and it shall also be the duty of said Marshal to execute all orders and process from the General Council, connected with their capacity as a high court of .Admiralty; and by himself and his deputy, to execute all ·proceedings which shall be issued by any court in Texas, against sheriffs or other public officers; and to do and perform all acts incident to the office and duties of a marshal in the several States, or United States of the North, in the several courts and municipalities of Texas; and that said mar- shal be, and is hereby required to give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, payable to the Governor and bis suc- cessors in office, and take the oath of office prescribed for all officers of this Government: provided, also, that said Marshal shall be subject to such rules, regulations and restrictions as the General Council shall or may, from time to time, impose and adopt, or order and direct; and that said Marshal shall receive and be allowed for his services, so much as the Gen- eral Council shall deem his services to be ,vorth, until stated fees of office shall be fixed by the Government, in accordance with high trust and responsibilities of office.

Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 17. 1836.

JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro tern. of G. C.


·Sec'ry of General Council. Approved, January 17, 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.

Enwn. B. WOOD,

Sec'y to Exec.utive.


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