A Resolution giving ccrtai11 powers lo t/1e acting Governor, m the event o.f tl,ere 110! being a quorum of the Cou11cil present. Be it resolved by the General Council of the Provisional Gov- ernment of Texas, That in the event of there not be[na a quo- rum of the Council present, the acting Governor of Texas, by and with the consent of the Advisory Committee, be, and is hereby clothed with full and ample power to enforce nn<l carry into effect, all ordinances, laws and resolutions passed, adopted, or enacted by the General Council of the Provisional Government, and all other laws of Texas; and, also, to appoint and commission any officer or officers that may be necessary to fill any vacancy that has or may occur in the same time: provided, nevertheless, said appointment, so made by the Ex- ecutive, shall be at an end on the assembling of a quorum of the General Council, unless said appointment should be rati- fied and con.firmed by the General Council, upon so assem- bling. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 17, 1836. JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro tem. of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y to Gen. Council. Approved, January 17, 1836.
JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting G~vernor.
Sec'y to Executive.
An Ordinance and .Decree creati11g the Ojice of Marshal o.f Texas, and dcjni11g his duties. SEO. 1. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby or- dained and decreed by the General Council of the Prol'isional G01:ernment of Te;as, That there shall be appointed a Mar- shal for the Provisionlil Government, whose powers shall ex- tend over the whole of Texas, in the di~chnr/!e of his duties, as hereinafter described; nnd the snid Mnn:hnl be. and is here- by, nnthorizccl to appoint as mnn~' d_eputie:: _n$ he mny deem necessary to carry into effect the duties of his office.
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