Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

fore done; and thnt the President of the Council shall be, ex-officw, a member of said committee. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 17, 1836.

JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro tem. of G. C.


Sec'y of Gen. Council. Approved January 17, 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.

Enw ARD B. Woon,

Sec'ry to Executive.

A Resolutionfor appointing an Advisory Committee of//1e Council, andfor ot/1er purposes. Be it resolved by the General Council of the Provisional Gov- ernment of Texas, 'rhat a committee of five shall be appointed to act, in the event of there not being a quorum of the mem- bers of the Council present, to provide expresses for the act- ing Governor, James W. Robinson, to send for absent mem- bers of the General Council, and to aid and counsel the Ex- ecutive, aforesaid; in giving advice and instructions to the foreign agents of this Government, to assist in making and carrying into effect the Indian treaties; nnd to aid, advise and assist in all other matters connected with the Executive De- pnrtment, in which the General Council would be required to advise instrnctions, and to advise and assist in any manner or form whatever, wherein the General Council should act co- operatively with the Executive. - Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 17, 1836. JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro. tern. of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y to Gen. Council. Approved, 17th January, 1836. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor. EnwA.RD B. Woon, Sec'y to Executive.


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