Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

the foregoing resolutions. and provided the same shall not be incomputible with the ohjec·t herein set forth; and that his Excellency the Governor be further required to notify said commissioners of tlll'ir appoiutmcnt, aud order them to pro- ceed directly to the eiry of Dexar, to nH1ke and enter into sa:d tre,1ty, as herein pre:;:cribed and set forth. SEC. 5. Be it further nsolred. &c., That n certified copy of the foregoing report nud resolutions be furnished the l-iov- ernor, immeditltely upon their passage; to be forwarded to said commissioners by the secretory of the Genernl Council. Adopted and passed in eouncil at San Felipe de .-\.ustin, J anunry 17th, 1836.

JOHN M'MULLEN, Pres't pro tern. ·of G. C.


Sec'y to Gen. Council. Approved January 17', 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.

Enw ARD B. Woon,

Sec'ry to the Executive.

Resolu#on requiring the late Governor, Henry Smith, to deliver up the Papers, Records, &c.·, of tlze Executive .Department, and for otlzer purposes. SEC. 1. Be it resolved, by the General Council of the Pro- visional Govemment of Texas, That the late Governor, Henry Smith, be, and is hereby required, within two hours after notice thereof given, to surrender possession of all the paper~, records, public correspondence. and public documents of ev- ery kind, belonging to the Executive Department of Texas, or cause the same to be <leliYered to the proper officer of this Government, who is authorized to receive the same; and that due notice of this resolution shall be given the late Governor, Henry Smith, aforesaid. with the name of the officer who is authorized to receiYe the papers, documents, &c., as afore- said. SEC. 2. Re it f1trther resol11ed, &c., That if the said


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