Rcsolutious appoi11ti11g Co1111111:~sio11crs lo treat with the Co111a11c/1c l11dia11s. SEC. 1. Hcsol-red by the Ge11eral C'nw,cil of the Provisiu,wl Got•ernment of Texas, 'l'hat five commissioners be appointed to make aud enter into at reaty of amity and commcrc:c on the part of this Government, with the Comanche Indi;ns: provided, nevertheless, said treaty, when so made and entered into, shall be subject to the examination of the Government of Texas, e~ther to be ratified or rejected by this Government, or that which may succeed it. SEC. 2. Be it further resolved., ck, That the said commis- sioners ee, and are hereby required to repair immediately to the city of I3exnr, for the purpose of meeting and treating with the said Indians on the most favorable terms, in order to secure their friendship, and nt the same time not to sacrifice the interest of Texas, or curtail the rights and privileges •>f her citizens. · Sv,e. 3. Be it further resolved, &c., That the sum of five hundred dollars be, and is hereby appropriated for the ex- penses of said treaty, and to carry the same into effect; and that John W. Smith, or the collector of public dues for the deportment of Bexar, or either of them be, and is hereby au- thorized, and fully empowered, to collect the aforesaid sum of five hundred clollars, from any person or persons indebted to this Government, or from any person or persons having _in their charge or possession, any money or monies belonging in any manner to this Government: and to deliver and pay over said sum of monev, whrn so collectccl, to the commissioners contemplated by the~e resolutions, taking duplicate receipts from said commissioners for the same; one to be retained by himself, and the other forwarded to the treasurer of Texas; and, also, to report the some to the acting Governor and Coun- cil. SEC. 4. Be it further resolved, &c., That the actin~ Gov- ernor of Texas, James W. Robinson, be, and is hereby required ancl instructed to commission or otherwise ap- point the commissioners who are to carry into effect the tTentY contemplatecl bv thc~e rci;olutions. upon receiving a report of their elertion by the General Counril, and to j?ive said commif.lsioners such instruc~ons as he m~y deem exprclient, in orcler to effect the obJect set forth m
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