as the citizens can be notified of the same, and a jury drawn, and surumoned as pointed out in this ordinance and decree: and it shall be the duty of the judges aforesaid, to carry the same into effect. ;:,Ee. tl. Be it ordained and decreed, &c., '!'hat the Al- caldes and Commissarios shall be entitled to the same fees as the Primary Judge in the first instance heretofore received for all sums under filty dollars. SF.o. 22. Be it further 01·dained and decreed, &c., That from and after the passage of this ordinance and decree, no person shall be admitted to practice in law in any Courts of Texas, without having undergone an examination before three practising attorneys in each municipality, to be appoint- ed by the judge thereof for that purpose, touching his abili- ties and fitness, and shall obtain a license from them to prac- tice the law in the courts of Texas, Provided, tm•ertheless, That each and every stranger who has obtained a license to practice in any of the superior courts of the United States, and shall exhibit said license or a certificate from some clerk or judge of some superior court of law and chancery in the United States of the North, that he has prac- ticed, and was duly authorized to practice the law in said courts of law and chancery, shall be admitted to practice in the several courts of Texas. SEC. 23. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That each and every attorney admitted to practice, in addition to the oath presented by the Organic Law, shall take and sub- scribe the following oath: ''I, A. B., do solemnly swear, that I will honestly and faith- fully demean myself in the practice of the law, according to the best of my skill and judgment." SEC. 24. Be it ordained and decreed, &c., That marriage fees, from and after the passage of this ordinance and decree shall be five dollars. Passed at San Felipe de Austin January 16th, 1836. JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro tem. of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'ry of Gen'l Council. Approved January 22, 1836., JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.
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