her~ named, to wit: 'l'he Judges of the court of each munici- pality s~all be _e!1titlccl to a salary of one hundred dollars per 11nm11U, m add1hon to the fees arising from the Notarial Acts and as Probate Judge-which shall be two dollars !or each ~i.me he shaU sig~ his name as Notary Public; and five dollars If_ he should \\Tite the instrnment to which he may so sign his name. 'J'hr clerk's fees ai; follows, viz: For each and every Deed 'l'r;mc:fer, or oilier convrynnce of real or per~onal property rel'•lrcled, and entering certificate upon the back of the same, t1rn dollarll; for each copy of Petiiions und Writs, one dollar, to he taxed in the l>ill of costs against the party east in court; for every summon!' for witnesses, fifty cents, to be taxed in the i;ame manner. For each commission for taking the depo- sition of witnesses, one dollar twenty-five cents, to be also taxed in the bill of cost against the party cast, and the same fees in criminal as in civil cases; and for all other services rendered by said clerk, he is to charge and receive the same compensation in proportion to the fees in the above named cases; and in all cases to be taxed by the judge. Pro.~ei:uling Attorney's [f'ecs.-For drawing and prosecuting eYE:ry inrlictment in cases of felony, under the common la,v of England, twenty dollars; and for misdemeanors, ten dol- lars; and where the criminal is acquitted or unable to pay the !'&me, it shall be paid out of the fines imposed by the Court, or pnhlic funds of or belonging to this government, in the municipality ,vhere he is appointed. The sheriff's fees·to be the same as heretofore received, except in the collection of debts, which i:hall be a!l follows:-for all sums under five hun- dred dollars. five per cent.; over five hundred dollars, and under one thons1rnd dollars, three· per cent.; over one thou- sand dollars., two per cent. SEC. 19. Be it further ordained and decreed. &c., That the court and bnr, in P,very municipality, shall make and nnopt their own rules and practice: Provided, 11e11ertheless, no r11 le !;hall be nclopted which will he in nolation of, and eon- trnry to any principle of law, now in iorce as contemplated by this ordinance and decree. Sr-:c. 20. Re if further ordained and decreed, &c., That courts shnll be holden in each municipality in Texas, so soon after the puhlication of this ordinance and decree,
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