and keep a record of all suits and cases in the said judge',, court: he shall copy all writs filed in the judge's court, issue summonses for witnesses, and do all acts which clerks have w do in the superior or circuit courts of the United States of the North: he shall give bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the judges and alcalde afore- said, for the careful preservation of the papers, archives, rec- ords and dockets so placed in his charge; and for the faithful performance of his ·several duties as clerk, and take the oath of office prescribed for all other officers of the Provisional Government of Texas: provided, that all writs shall be test of the last day of the term preceding the issuing thereof, and in the name of the first judge of each municipality, returnable to the first day of the suceeding term: provided, that the date of issuing said writ shall be noted in the margin, which shall be at least ten days before the same is made returnable; and provided, also, that the following shall be the style and form of all judicial writs, viz: In the name of the people free and sovereign: To E. P., sheriff of the municipality of : We command you, that you summons; or attach, the body of A. B., so that he be and appear before
, first Judge of the municipality of
on the
day of
, in the year
, at the town of
, to
answer to C. D. in a plea of
to his damage and as you faithfully execute this, so you will answer. . Witness E. F. our said Judge of the aforesaid municipality, on the day of A. D., at the town of G. H., Clerk. Issued on A. D. SEO. 17. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That there shall be one Prosecuting Attorney of each municipality, to be appointed after the same manner as the clerk of the Court, whose duty it shall be to prosecute in the name of the p~ople, all offences cognizable in the courts of the several municipalities. SEO. 18. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the following shall be the fees of the municipal officers
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