Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

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olli.ce prescribed by law, for the faithful performance of theit· several duties. SEC. 13. Be it further ordained a11d decreed &c. That wl_1cn a_ny action is brought, suit instituted, or'coni~oversy arises, m any of the several courts of the different munici- palit_ics of Texas, either party, his agent or attorney, upon mak; ng proper applicaiion to the judue or clerk that a mate- rial ,~·.itness or w_itn_ess_es _is residin_g without said'municipality, or without the Jtmsd1ct1on of smd court, th<' said party, hi~ agent or attorney, shnll be entitled and receive a commission for taking the deposition of said witness or witnesses, after the manner and form heretofore in practice, or under the rules and regulations of the common law. S1::c. 14. Be it further ordained a11d decreed, &c., That the alcaldes and commissarios of each and every munici- pality in Texas, shall appoint a constable or other suitable officer, to serve all writs, citations, summonses, and execute all processes and orders issued or placed in his hands by said al- caldcs or commissarios; and shall give a liond in the sum 0f one thousand dollars, payable to the Governor and his sue:- cessors in office, with security to be approved by the said al- caldes and commissarios, for the faithful performance of his several duties, and the careful preservation of all papers placed in his hands, and take the same oath prescribed for all officers of this Government; and the said constable or officer shall receive the same fees as sheriffs have heretofore received in similar cases, for his services. SF.c. 15. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the constable or other officer so appointed, shall have bis ap- pointment properly certified and forwarded to the acting Gov- ernor, and receive his commission as all other officers. SEC. 16. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That there shall be a clerk appointed for each municipality, and that the said clerk shall be appointed by the first and second judge and alcalde, or a majority of them of each municipality; and after so appointed, and the same duly certified and reported to the Governor, he shall receiYt\ his commission as such. It shnll be the duty of said clerk to take charge of the papera, ar- chh-cs and ·dockets of the judge's court, in his municipality; to record all deeds and other conveyances, register wills,


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