other filed with the archives of said municipality; and all m11rringes so celebrated, shall be valid to all intents and pur- po1:;es, in law and in equity. And all marriages heretofore celebrated by bond or otherwise, under the heretofore exist- ing laws, are, in like manner, declared and decreed to be valid: proi·ided, that all officers who have attended to the same, shall, on application of either party, or the friend of either party, file the bond or other evidence of such marriage, with the archives and records of the courts of their respective munici- pality; and on failure to do so, within ten days after appli- cation is made, shall be tined, in a summary way, in the sum of one hundred dollars-to be paid to the injured party; and to he, in the same manner, fined from time to time within ten dayi:: after each application, until the same is done; provided, al.so, that all marriages heretofore entered into under the heretofore existing laws, shall be, and are hereby declared legal, and the issue of the parties legitimate. SEC. 10. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That all .fines jn criminal cases in qui tam actions shall be enforced, agreeable to the principles of the common laws of England; and the ollicer collecting the same shall pay it over to the treasurer of his respective municipality. SEC. 11. Be it further ordained and decr,,eed, &c., That juries for the several municipalities shall be drawn and sum- moned in the same manner, and made the same rules and Te~ulations as heretofore practised in Texas; and all wit- neeses shall be summoned and their attendance enforced, in the same manner as heretofore done; and all judges and the judicial" officers shall have discretionary power to continue euits, upon good cause being shewn by the party applying for the flame, under the same rule and restrictions heretofore pradised. SF.c. 12. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That all judges, alcaldes and commiesarios shall have power to administer oaths of office, and legal oaths to persons in the army and navy, or wherever an oath is made necessarv by the laws in force; and all municipal offi- cers contemplated by the sixth section of the organic law, who have heretofore been required to give bond, shall give bond with approved security, and talce the oath of
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