Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

oath, viz: I, A. B., do solemnly swear that it is not for the pm:pose of cl~la! t~at I take this appeal, but because I firmly believe, that lDJUstice has been done me. SEC. 6. Be it further ordai11ed a11d decreed, ck, That all Alcaldes and Commissarios in the several Municipalities of Texas, shall have jurisdiction in all civil cases where the . ' matter m controversy does not exceed fifty dollars: never- theless he shall have the right of appeal if either party is disastisfied, to the Primary Judge's Court of their respective lHunicipalities, upon the same terms and restrictions as in the 5th section of this Ordinance and Decree: and the .Al- cal<les und Comm.issarios shall have the same jurisdiction in arresting and committing offenders against the laws as Jus- tices of the Peace under the common laws of England. SP.c. 7. Be it f1trtlier ordained and decreed, d:c., 'l'hat all Judges, Alcaldes and Commi:-sarios, shall have power to enforce order, punish contempts in their courts, in a sum- mary way by fine and imprisonment, and all judicial and min- isterial officers, shall be officers of the peace in their respective municipalities. SEC. 8. Be it further ordained and decreed; d:r.., That the following persons and their property shall be privileged from arrest. nttnchment, execution, embargo, and sequestra- tion, in all civil cases, to wit: all officers and soldiers commis- sioned or enlisted in the regular army of Texas, or in the navy, for the time being; all public; agents to foreign coun- tries, all members and officers of the General Council, and of the Provisional Government, while in attendance upon their official duties: and nil the members of the )ale rnlunleer army .until they return to their respective homes. SEC. 9. Re. it f11rtl1er ordained a11d decreed, d:c., That all judges, alcaldes, commissnrios, and regular accredited min- isters of the Gospel, of whatever den?minat~on, s~all ha,e ~he power to c~lcbrnte the rites of matrimony m their respecb,e municipalities, which shall be done in the p_resence of ~ot less than three disinterested and reputable witnesses, cerhfi- cntes of which shall be made and signed by the said judge, alcalde, commisi.:nrio, or minfater of the Gosp_el, who may celebrate the same tested bv two or more witnesses pres- ent, one of which' shall be·· ~iven to the bride, and the

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