conununicate with the commandant at snid post and forward these resolutions to snid commandant. ' Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 16, 1836. JOHN ~!'MULLEN, , President pro tern. of G. C. l:.. ~L PEASE, Sec'y or the Gen. Council. .:\ pproved, J anunry 17, 183!i.
JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.
Eowo. B. Woon,
Sec'y of Executive.
An ordinance and decree, entitled "An Ordinance and Dc- crec'jor opening the several Courts ofjustice, appoint- ing Clerks, Prosecuting Attornqs, and dej11i11g their duties, &c. SEC. 1. Be it ordained aud decreed, and it is hereby or- da i 11cd and dee-reed, by lite General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That in conformity with the powers vesrecl in said Government by the sixth net of the organic law, courts of justice are declared to be open, and required to exer- cise all the powers and functions contemplated by the afore- said sixth act of the organic la,v, and that the suspension of civil proceedings shall cease from and after this day: provided, nevertheless, under such regulations and restrictions as are hereinafter ordained nnd decreed. SEO. 2. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., Thnt the judges of the several municipalities shnll hold their regular terms of court once in three months, commencing on llon- clays, and continnin" their terms of session until all ihe bu>i- ness of the court is finished, or the docket gone through with. The prosecution of all crimes and misdemeanors shall be regu- lated by the common laws of England, for which the courts of ench municipality nre to be governed: provided, ne,erthe- less, that the body of the grand jury may be composed of fifteen jurors, to be taken from thnt number ~t.dni:wn from the whole panel of jurors of each mumc1pality; and in all cases where it may be necessary to fonn a jury, the court shall order the sheriff to summons talis-
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