Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

our agents in the united States for the support, subsistence and use of the army will be received; and it being absolutely necessary to make immediate provisions for the sustenance and support of those troops at Bexar; and it being impos- sible to drive beeves and procure provisions for their use, without horses,-therefore, Be it Resolved by the General Council of the Provisional Gov- ernme11 t of Texas, That Lieut. Colonel Nei)l, commandant at Bexar, be, and is hereby authorized and empowered to employ as many .Mexicans, or other citizens, for the purpose of driving up beeves and procuring provisions for the troops under his command, ns may be re'}uired for their support; nncl that this Government shall respect the drafts of said com11rn1Hlant for the p,1~· of the said men in his employ, as aforesaid: JJrorided, that the said c,ommandant cannot offer them nny more money for their scrvic:es as enlisted soldiers, or volunteer troops, than the existin~ laws pr<>,:cribe. Sr-:c. 2. Re. ii f11rtl1er resoli-ed, &r.., That the sum of twenty dollnrs per month, to the 1[exicans employed by the com- manclRnt at Bexar, for the purpo:;e of getting beeves and other provisioni; for the use nnd support of the troops under his command, be, and is hereby acknowledged by this Govern- ment_: and that the said commandant be, and is hereby au- thorized ancl empowered to draw for the pay of the said Mexi- cans, citizens, for their services as aforesaid. SEC. 3. Re it fu·rther resolved, That John W. Smith be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to collect the sum of on,:, thousand dollars of the public dues, or any money to that amount helonging-to this Government in the department of Hexar, and to give the same to the commandant at that place: the i;ame to be u;;ed for the support of the troops under his command-faking ~ufficient vouchers for the same, and repol"t the c;ame to this Government: and also to the Collector of Public Dues for that department. Sr-:c. 4. Be it further resolved, 'l'hat an express be imme- dintely procured. to take these resolutions to the commandant at Bexar; ancl that his Exce11ency James W. Robinson, acting Governor of Texas, be required to


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