Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

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to receive, from any person or persons, in payment of the amount which they owe this Government, any order, draft or claim which has been duly audited and <lrai•u for, on the Treasurer of this Government; and if the order, draft or claim aforesaid, should exceed the amount of money so owed by any person or persons, then, and in that case, the said Col- lector shall endorse the same upon the said order, draft or claim, the amount of money paid by any person or persons to said Government, and take triplicate receipts of the same -one to be retained by the Collector, one given to the person paying said debt, and the other sent to the Treasurer of this Government; and for the said Collector to set forth, in said receipt, the amount of said order, draft or claim; in whose name it was drawn, and the date of the same SEC. 2. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed, by the authority aforesaid, That any per- son or persons owing this Government any money or monies, shall have the authority to pay all they owe, as aforesaid, whether the same be due or not; and the Principal Collector be, and is hereby empowered and authorized to receipt for the same,-taking care to receipt for the several sums of money in the same manner as he would have done had he collected the same, as the several sums became due. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 15, 1836.





JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro. tem. of G. C.

EDwn. B. Woon,

Sec'y pro tem. of G. C. Approved, January 19, 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.

Resolutions providingfor the Troops al Bexar. Sr-:c. 1. WHEREAS, the troops garrisoned at Bexar being without the necessary provisions and cl?!hing f_or their support and comfort, and the probabiht~ of its being some time yet before the necessary supplies from


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