Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Approved January 16, 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.

A Resolution organizing and appointing a Sutler to tile Army of Te~:as. SEO. 1. Be it resolved by the General Council of the Pro- visional Government of Texas, That there shall be a suttler ap- pointed for the armies of Texas, and tha.t this department of the military service shall, in all respects, be regulated and 'governed by the same rules and principles as govern and regu- late the practice in this department in the United States of the North. SEO. 2. Be it further resolved, That the suttler so appointed shall have power to appoint suttlers to act under him, at such points as the Governor or commanding General may direct; and for the faithful performance of each sub-suttler so ap- pointed by him, the suttler shall be accountable, agreeably to law, as aforesaid. Passed at San Felipe de Austin January 9th, 1836; signed 22nd, 1836.

JOHN M'MULLEN, President pro tern. of G. C.

Enw. B. Woon,

Sec'y pro tem. of G. C. Approved January 22, 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Acting Governor.

An Ordinance and Decree, supplemental to '_'An Ordinance and Decree appointing a Collector of Public dues, and defining his duties." SEC. 1. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby or- dained and decreed. by the General Council of fl,e P1·rwis in11,_ 1 l Gotien,ment of Tex-as, That the Collector of Puhhc Due!; upon all lands, as set forth in the ordinance and decree to which this ordinance and decree is a supple- ment, be, and is hereby authorized and empowered


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