ernment, that I have not directly or indirectly speculated on them or exchanged other money for them." SEC. 3. Be it further ordained and decreed, by the authority afo1·et1aid, That the Treasurer shall be individually responsi- ble for all counterfeit Treasury notes, which he may suffer to be imposed upon him or his agents, arising from any negli- gence of himself or his agents, and for every act of his con- trary to the meaning and purposes intended by this ordinance. S1::c. 4. Be it further ordained and decreed, by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep such evidences of the precise amoupt, date, to whom payable, letter, number, and the corresponding margin, and have such other private marks as he thinks proper, on each bill to enable bim!1elf and his successor to detect forgery. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jan. 7, 1836. Signed, Jan. 11, 1836.
JOHN M:'MULLEN, Pres't pro tern. of Gen'l Council.
Sec'ry pro tern. Gen'l Council.
.-\pproved, Jan. 20, 1836.
Acting Governor.
Sec'ry to the Executive.
An Ordinance and .Decree creating a new 1111t11icipaHty, lo be called Colorado, andfor organizing t/1e same. SEC. 1. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby or- dained and decreed, by the Ge11eral Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That .that part of the Municipality of Austin, within the following bounds, viz. - Begin- ning at the crossing of the lower line of the Municipality of Austin, on the main Benard, thence Westerly on the line of Austin to the line of De Witt's Colony, thence Northwardly on the line of said Colony to Buckner's Creek, thence down said Creek to the La Bahia Road, thence Easterly along said road to the Middle Ground, be.tween Mill Creek and Cummings' Creek, thence on
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