liam P. Harris, or either of them, be, and they are hereby appointed the Agents of the Provisional Government of Texas, for the purpose of examining the condition and equipment of the schooner "William Hobbins," a vessel belonging to the firm of M:'Kinney & Williams, and if, after they shall have duly ex11mined her, they shall be of opinion that said vessel can be useful in the public service, they, (the said Edmund Andrews and William P. Harris,) or either of them, are hereby fully authorized and empowered, for and in the name of the Provisional Government of Texas, to contract with the pro- prietors thereof, and purchase the same at a fair and reason- able price, and report their acts and proceedings to this House. . SEO. 2. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That Ed- mund Andrews and William P. Harris, or either of them be, and they are hereby appointed the Agents of the Provisional Government of Texas, for the purpose of examining the con- dition and equipments of the schooner "Invincible," a vessel also the property of M'Kinney & Williams, and if after such examination they shall be of opinion that said vessel is suited to the public service, by cruising in the Gulf, for the purpose of protecting our commerce or harrassing and destroying that of the enemy, and can be purchased at a fair and equitable price, they the said Edmund Andrews and Wm. P. Harris, or either of them, are hereby authorized and empowered for and in the name of the Provisional Government of Texas afore- said, to purchase the same on such terms, as in their judg- ment the future means of the country will justify. SEC. 3. Be it further ordained, &c., That the naval system as adopted and practised in the United States of the North, be and the same is hereby adopted in Texas, and shall rule and govern our Naval Department. SEO. 4. Be it further ordained, &c., That should the said ve$sels "The Wm. Robbins" and "The Invincible" be pur- chased, as contemplated in the second and third sections of this ordinance and decree, then and in that case the Governor is hereby directed to com1mmicate the same to our publ!c agents in the United States of the North, to govern them m their purchases of vessels for the public service.
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