an_rnun~. s~1fficient to. r~imhur_se all tl~e advances made by the said M Kmney & Williams, for and m behalf of the Govern- ll1l·nt of 'l'cxas, on settlement of ihc ~ame as other puhlic ac- counts are settled. SEC. 5. And be it f-u.rlhcr ordained a11cl decreed That fifteen thousand dollars out of t.he said loan, shall be ~eiained. and placed in the hands of Thomas F. ~L' Kinney as ihe auent of tlw Commissary General's Department, under the sam~ rules, regulations and responsibilities as are prescribed and required of the Commisi;nry General by the law creating that office. SEC. 6. Be it furthe1· ordai11ed and decreed, &c., '!'hat all ordinnnees and decrees, resolutions and instmctions, hereto- fore given to Thomas F. l\I'Kinney upon the subject of the loan of one hundred thousand dollars aforesaid, be, and the same nre hereby repealed. SEC. ?·. Be it f-nrlhcr ordained and decreed, &c., That the Governor be required, and it is hereby made his duty, as soon as may be, to issue the proper commission to Thomas F. W- Kinnev and Samuel M. Williams, known as the firm of M'- Kinney and Williams, together with such instructions as he may deem proper, not inconsistent with this ordinance and decree, for the purpose of carrying the same into full effect. Passed January 8th, 183(i. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. nnd ex-officio Pres't of G. C. Approved, 10th January, 1836.
Eow,rnn B. Woon,
Sec'y pro tern. G. C.
l I I I I t I I .I , I
An Ordinance and .Decree aul/10rizi11g tlze purchase ofcer- tain Armed Vessels of 1'Jl/'/{i1111cy & IVi'/liams, and reg- ulating the Naval sc1vice. SEC. 1. Be it ordained a11d decreed, aud it is hereby or- dained and decreed, by the General Council of the Pro1:ision_al Goi.'ernment uf Texas, 'l'hat Edmund s\nclrcws nnd W1l-
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