Be if ordai'.necl aud decreed, and it is /1e1·eby ordained and dec1·eed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That Thomas F. :M:'Kinney and Samuel .M. Wil- liams, known as the firm of M'Kinney & Williams, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate and effect a loan of one hundred thousand dollars, for and in be- half of the Provisional Government of Texas on the firm pledge of the public faith and the public domain of the coun- try, on the best. terms consistent with the honor and dignity of the Government aforesnid. SEC. 2. Be it furthe1· ordained and decreed, &c., That the loan so effected, may be negotiated as a temporary loan, payable in a time not less than one year, and redeemable from .the first permanent loans made for and in behalf of said Go,- ernment, and at a rate of interest not to exceed ten per cent. per annum, or at the option of the said :M'K.inney & William, directed by the best advices. The said loan may be made a part of the permanent loan authorized to be made by said Provisional Government, payable from four to fifteen years; in which latter case, the Public Agents to the United States of the North shall be duly advised thereof. SEC. 3. Be it ordained and decreed, &c., That the said M'Kinney & Williams are authorized and empowered to exe- cute a bond or bonds agreeably to the provisions of this ordin- ance and decree, for the payment of the aforesaid loan, ac- cording to the terms which may be established: provided, that if the whole amount of the loan of one hundred thousand dol- lars cannot be effected, the said M'Kinney & Williams are au- thorized to effect a loan of a less amount-being governed by the principles aforesaid; and provided, also, that bonds for the payment of the said loan, may be executed by the said M'Kin- ney & Williams, conditioned to be received at par value in payment of any debts due Texas on lands, or other Revenues, in six months, from and after the date thereof. SEO; 4. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the said M'Kinnev & Williams shall be, and they are hereby authorized to retain, from the loan so effected, an
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