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chased for said division, completely mounted for the field with caissons and other necessary appenda"es. SF._C. 5. Be it further ordai11ed and decreed, and it is hmby ordained and decreed, That the volunteers of the said division sha!l enjo? the same emoluments, benefits !J.nd privileges for their services, and be subject to the same rules and regula- tions heretofore provided for volunteers. Sf:C, 6. Be it f1trther ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordarncd and decreed, That 'rhomas J. Chambers be appointed and commissioned, and he is hereby appointed to raise, or- ganize, arm, equip, and take command of the said division; that the pecuniary aid of ten thousand dollars which he has offered for the purpose be accepted, and the public faith is hereby pledged for the same; and that he be authorized and he is hereby authorized to raise the balance which may be necessary to arm, equip, provide and transport the said dins- ion by pledging the P'!blia faith of Texas; and it is required that every exertion be made, in order that the said Army of Res~rve may be able to take the field on. or before the fif- teenth day of May next. The foregoing ordinance passed the Council on 7th of Jan- uarv, was enrolled and handed Governor Smith for approval, but never returned. E. M. PEASE, ' Sec'y of G. C. An Ordi'nance and Decree authorizing and empowering Thomas F. M' I(t',mey and Samuel Jl,J. Williams, of the firm of'' M'Kimzey & Williams," to effect a loan ofone hundred tho1,sa11d dollars, andfor other purposes. SEC. 1. WHEREAS, certnin Ordinances and Decrees hn\'e been pnssed, nnd instructions given Thomas F. ~I'Kin- nev to effect. a Joan for one hundred thou5and dol- la1:s: which nre considered somewhat discrepant and incon- sistent with each other; and wherens, it is indispensable that all necrotiations of this kind should be cleurlv defined and well 0 • understood; therefore,
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