Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

hereby further ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That, in addition to the provisions already made, for establishing and organizing an ".Auxiliary Volunteer Corps of the .Army of Texas," a division of volunteers shall be raised to be called the ".Army of Reserve for the protection of the Liberties of Texas," which shall consist of one thousand one hundred and forty-five men, officers included. • That the said division shall be composed of six battalions, three of infantry, one of riflemen, one of cavalry and one of field or horse artillery. That the battalion of infantry, riflemen and cavalry shall each be composed of four companies of seventy-one men, com- pany officers included; and there shall be one Colonel, one Major, one Adjutant, one Quarter-Master, one Surgeon, one Commissary, one Paymaster, one Sergeant-Major and one Drum Major for each battalion; and one Captain, two Lieu- tenants and as many Sergeants and Corporals for each com- pany as the commanding general of the division may deem requisite. 'l'hat the battalion of Artillery shall be composed of four companies of thirty-seven men-company officers included, and there shall be the same number of field and staff officers as for the other battalions: for each company there shall be one Captain, two Lieutenants, and a number of Sergeants and Corporals ,vhich the commandant general may consider necessary.. SEC. 2. Be it f'µ,rther ordained and decreed, and it is hereby further ordained and decreed, That to raise, organize, arm, equip and command the said division of volunteers, a General shall be appointed and commissioned, whose staff shall con- sist of one Adjutant-General, one Brigade-Inspector, one Bri- gade Quarter-Master, and one Brigade Commissary, one Bri- gade Pay-Master and two aids. SEC. 3. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed, That the said General be furnished by the Governor with the requisite number of blank commissiom for the several officers of said division. SEC. 4. Be it further ordained and decreed, and it is hereb! ordained and decreed, That six pieces of field artillery four six• pounders and two twelves, shall be pur-


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