c·harge~l, (if <\ischargcd) the Corps ,hey wcr1: tailed (if any) wlulc Ill sernc-e, the place where the ,;ct·ric·e was rendered· and said mustct· roll, with the facts u:; ~ct forth therein, sub~ scribed aucl sworn to by said 1;0111111.uHling olliter and de- posited in the ollice of the Execnti,·e Department, and a cer- ti lied copy of said muster roll to he furnished by the Secre- tary of the .Executfre to the ,\uditor and Paymaster. SEC. 2. Be it ordained a11tl decreed, &c., That any individual who produces an honorable di;;chargc and makes 0 011th to the same, shall be cutitlcll to pay, although he may uot haw his name registered upon any muster roll: provided, nevertheless, he shall make oath of any money, horses, clothing nnd blank- ets, or any assistance which he may hare receired from any per,;on or per:;;ons on committee or committees for the purpose of aiding Texas in the present conflict; from whom rccci,·cd, and of what amount or value the same may be when it was recciYecl. and the amount or vnlue thereof to be deducted from his pay, to which he may ha,·e been entitled by au ordi- nance and decree in such cases made and provided. SEC. 3. A 11d be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That the Paymaster shall compel all officers, non-commission- ed officers and privates, to take the same oath as contained in the foregoing ordinance, ancl make the same deduction in their pay as set forth in ordinance aforesaid, provided they should have received any assistance as aforesaid. The foregoing ordinance passed the Council Jan. 7th, and was enrolled and handed Governor Smith for approval, but never rehuned by him. ·E. M. PEASE, Sec'y of G. C. An Ordinance and .Decree autlzorizing the Commissio11i11g Tito . .f. Clzambers lo raise an Army,•&c., lo be called ' ' Tlze Army of Reservefor tlze protection oftlze Liberties o.f Texas," andfor otherpurposes. ,'3Ec. 1. Be it /11,-ther o,-dained and decreed, a11d it is
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