Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Government of 1.'c.rns, 'l'lrnt the name of the :Municipality of Tenl'h,nr be, uncl the same is hereby altered and changed to that of Shelby, and that all acts hereafter passed and busi- ness 1lone shall be in the name of the :Municipality of Shelby. S.1,;c. 2. Be it f'llrlhcr resulved, &c., That the town of Nash- Yille be, and the sume is hereby made the Seat of Justice for the said )Iuuicipality of Shelby. SEC. 3. Be it f11rtl1e1· rcsofoed, d.:c., That there shall be an election precinct in the-eastern part of said l\Iunicipality, and that the election in said precinct shall be hel~l at the residence of .James ll. Tucker; and that hereafter, for all elections for said :Municipality, polls shall be opened at said place, and correct returns of the votes given in be made to the Seat of Justice at Nash,·ille, by the persons superintending said elec- tions. Passed at Sim Felipe de Austin, Jan. 6, 1836. Signed January 11th, 183G.

JOHN :M'l\1ULLEN, Pres't pro. tern of G. C.


Sec'y pro tern. of G. C. Approved January 18, 1836.

. JAMES W. ROBINSO:N', Acting Governor.

An Ordinance andDecreeprescribing the manner i"n wlzi"cli all Claims held against the Provisional Government of Texas, ofany kind whatever, by the Officers, Non-Com- missioned O/fi.cers and Privates oftl,e Viflzmteer Army of the people shall be presentedfor payment; and, also, to · prevent fraud and imposition upon tlze Government. SEC. 1. Be it ordained and decreed by the General C()uncil of the Provisional Government of Texas, That it shall be the duty of each Captain, or any commanding officer, upon be- ing discharged, from ;,erYice, or when !lDY monthly or quarterly payment becomes due, shall make out a muster roll of his company, setting forth the names and rank of each officer, non-commissioned officer and pri- vate, and the precise time they were in service, the day they entered the sen·ice, the day they were dis-


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