each and every :i\lunicipality throughout. Texas, so to appre- heucl and cause to be apprehended all and every such free negro or ~~ee neg.roes! mul~tto or mulattoes, offending against the prov1s1ons o.t this ordinance and decree; and that such oflicer or officers who shall so apprehend such free negro or negroes, mulatto or mulattoes, shall be entitled to the same compensation that is, by this ordinance and decree, allowed to citizens who may, by such apprehensions as aforesaid, render the like service. SEC. 2. Be it furthe1· ordained a11d decreed, &c., That it shall not be lawful for any master or owner of any ship ar vessel, nor for any other person or persons whatsoever, from and after the passage of this ordinance and decree, to import, bring or induce, or aid in importing, bringing- or inducing any free negro or mulatto within the limits of Texas, directly or indirectly; and if any master or owner of any ship or vessel, or any other person or persons whatsoever, shall import, bring, or otherwise induce, or aid, or abet in importing, bringing, or otherwise inducing any free negro or mulatto into Texas, as aforesaid, he or she so offending, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor at common law, and upon conviction thereof in any Court of Record within Texas, shall be fined in the sum of five thousand dollars, and imprisoned until ihe same, together with the costs and charges of the prosecution, shall be paid. ' SEC. 3. Be it further ordained and decreed, a11d it is 11ereby ordained and decreed, That this ordinance and decree shall be regularly given in charge to Grand Juries throughout Texas; and the Governor be and is hereby required io have this ordi- nance and decree inserted ihree times in the New Orleans Bulletin. • This ordinance was passed January :ith, 1836, enrolled and handed over to Governor Smith for approval but never re- turned. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y to G. C.
A Resolution clumging the name of the il11111icipality of Tenehaw to Shelby, a11d for other purposes. Be it resolved, by the General Council of th~ Provisional
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