goods or merchandize the said ~!'Kinney & Williams may lwrenfter import into 'l'exas. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Jnn. -.l:, 1836. JAMES \V. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y to Gen. Council. Approved, January 15, 1836.
Sec'y to Executive.
An Ordiuanc_e and Decree to prevent the importation and emigration ofFree Negroes and 1Wulattoes hzto Te.:..-as. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Goi:ernment of Texas, That from and after the passage of this ordinance and decree, it shall not be lawful for any free negro or mulatto to come within the limits of Texas; and if any free ncgro or mulatto shall hereafter be found within the limits of Texas, as aforesaid, and it shall not appear that he or she was within s11id limits prior to the passage of this ordinance and decree, it shall and may be lawful for any citizen of Texas to appre- h<:-nd said free negro or mulatto, and take him or her before th1> Judge or Alcalde of the Municipality in which he or she may be so apprehended; and upon satisfactory evidence being adduced, that such free negro or mulatto emigrated into Texas cc,ntrary to the provisions of this ordinance and decree, it shall be the duty of the Judge or Alcalde before whom such free negro or mulatto may be brought, to expose him or her to sale at public auction to the highest bidder; and the proceeds of such sale, after paying one third thereof to the apprehender, and defraying the costs and charges attending the conviction and sale of such free negro or mulatto, shall be paid into the State Treasurv. And H is herebv declared and made the duty of each "and every Judge and Alcalde, and of each a:::id every Sheriff and other officers of the Peace within
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