Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

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Resolution requi"riug C/1airma11 of Committee of Finance to act as Controller of Public Accounts pro tcm., in case of that olJice being vacated. Be it resolved by the Ge11eral Cuirncil of the Povisio11al Gov- er11 numt uf Texas, 'Jhat the Chairman of the Conur.itt1:e '>i Finnuc~ be appointed, !ind is hereby required to perform ilie duties of Controller of Public Accounts pro tem, in case of that office being vacant; and that this Resolution be in f,m~e from and after its passage - any ordinance and decree, or

resolution, 1.1) the contrary notwithstanding. Pused at Sun Felipe de Austin, Jnn. 4, 1836.

JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C.

E. M. PEASE, •

Sec'v of Gen. Council. Approved, 5th January, 1836.



C. B. STmvART,

Sec'y to Executive.

An Ordinance and Decreefor the reliefof kl' Kinney & · Williams. Be it ordained and dec1·eed, and it is hereby ordained and · decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Goi·emment of Texas, That all articles of merchandize imported by the Firm of M'Kinney & Williams into Texas, since the passage of "An Ordinance and Decree laying impost and tonnage duties," which shall appear from the invoices and bills of lading, or otherwise, to have been purchased and shipped before the pass- age of said ordinance and decree, be, and the some are hereby exempted from the payment of duties to which they may be subject by the ordinance and decree aforesaid: provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance and decree, contained, shall be construed to extend to any

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