Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Approved, December 31, 1835.

HENRY SMITH, Governor.

C. B. STJ::W.ARl', Sec'ry of .Executive.

An Ordinance and Decree dejiniug the boundary of t/ie k.ltmicipality ofHarrisburg, andfor ot/icrpurposes. Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texa.s, That the boundary lines of the )Iunicipality of Har- ri!>burg shall be, and they are hereby declared as follows, viz: Bt:ginning at the entrance of Clear Creek into Galveston Bay, running up .said creek with the line of the Municipality of Brazoria, and with said line to the .Brazos Hiver; thence up si:icl river to the upper line of a league of land granted by the Mexican Government to Isaacs; thence along said line to the North-East corner of imid league; thence northwardly, to in- clude the settlements on Spring Creek, to the southern line of the Municipality of Washington; thence eastwardly along said line of the Municipality of Washington, and so far eastwardly as to intersect the line dividing the Department of Brazos and Nacogdoches; thence southwardly, along said line to Galveston Bay; thence to the place of beginning. SEO. 2. Be it f1trther ordained and decreed, That the Town of Harrisburg situate on the west bank of Buffalo·Bayou with- in the limit~ described in the first section of thi.s ordinance, shnll be, nnd is hereby made the place for transncting the ju- dieial and municipal businei,s of said :Municipality, and for the deposite of the Archives of the same. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 30, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of the G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y of Gen. Council. Approved, January 1, 1836.




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