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thereof before the competent tribunals, be lined in the sum of one thousand dollars, and be held in dose confinement until he deliver up all such papers, documents, monies, or an ac- c:onnt thereof, aforesaid, to the Court or General Collectors aforesaid. SEC. 2. Be it further ordained a11d decreed, &c., That the two per ceutum duties ou said sales, heretofore levied and ex- 11<:ted in some parts of Texas by judges, receivers, collectors, stamp officers, or any other officer or oflice:rs, purporting to be officers of the Government of the State of Coahuila and Texas, whether existing by law or common usage shall, from the date of this ordinance, forever cease; and any officer of the Govern- ment of Texas exacting the same, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished as an extortioner at common law; and nil officers as aforesaid, who have monies in their hands arising from the exaction of such two per centum duties shall, on the publica- tion of this ordinance and rlecree, immediately render an ac- conn t of and pay over to the General Collector in whose de- parhnent he may be, all such monies, without fraud or further delay: nnd on failure to do so, being convicted thereof, shall be declared guilty of an official misdemeanor at common law, and punished as such. SEC. 3. And be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That all monies that may be received by the General Col- lector hy virtue of this ordinance and decree, shall be account- ed for in the same manner as provided for by the ordinance ;;nd dee-rec to which this is a supplement. SEC. 4. Be it further ordained and decreed, &c., That all and every person or persons from whom such two per centum duties have been exacted since the first day of Decem- ber, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, shall, upon application to the Auditor of Public Accounts, and the pr?~ dlH:-tion of satisfnctorv and legal vouchers, that they have paid the same. recover back nll such two per centum duties so exacted and paid as aforesaid; and the Auditor shall, upon all ancJ every such application, accompanied by legnl vouchers, ac; aforesairl, issne his draft upon the Treasury for the pay- ment of the same. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 30, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. :M. PEASE, Sec'y of G. C.
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