and every offence, five hundred dollars and be dismissed his office. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, December 28, 1835. JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Pres't of G. C. E. M. PEASE, Sec'y of Gen. Council. Approved, Dec. 30, 1835.
Sec'y of Executive.
An Ordinance and .Decree supplemental to an Ordi11a11ce and Decree entitled, "An Ordinance and .Decree ap- pointing Collectors of Public .Dues, and defining their duties." Be it ordained and decreed, and it is hereby ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provisi-Onal Government of Texa.s, That the General Collectors of Public Dues upon Lands in the several Departments of Texas be required, and it i,s hereby made the duty of each General Collector, as afore- said, to demand on account-and settlement with all and every stamp offic(>r or officers, receiver or receivers, collector or col- lectors of public dues upon lands, heretofore as such within ench of their respective districts, and to demand and recefre nil money or monies from such stamp officers, re- ceivers or collectors, as aforesaid, whose duty it shall be to render a strict and fair account to the General Collectors aforesaid, of all their official proceedings from the time of ench of their several appointments, and pay owr all monies in all nncl eneh of their hands. and deliYer over all of their offic>ial papers and p11blic docunients, of their and each of their respective offices to the Genern I Collectors aforesaid, to be, by them, holden subject to the future order of the Government of Texas; and any such stamp officer, receiver or collector of public dues, as aforesaid, failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance nncl decree on demand, or slrnll franclulently, withhold, or destroy nny papers or documents conP.erted with their respective offices, or withhold any monies, or an nrcount th(>reof, shall, npon conviction
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